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#Region "Microsoft.VisualBasic::596f71846844bdb52590ca05b439c19d, Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core\Scripting\InputHandler.vb"
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#End Region
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Imports System.Array
49 |
Imports System.Drawing
50 |
Imports System.IO
51 |
Imports System.Reflection
52 |
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
53 |
Imports System.Text
54 |
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
55 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.Debugging.Logging
56 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComponentModel.Collection
57 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComponentModel.Ranges.Model
58 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Imaging
59 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Language
60 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Language.Default
61 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Scripting.Runtime
62 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Serialization
63 |
Imports CLI = Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine
64 |
65 |
Namespace Scripting
66 |
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70 |
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72 |
Public Module InputHandler
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 |
Public ReadOnly Property CasterString As New Dictionary(Of Type, LoadObject) From {
79 |
80 |
{GetType(String), Function(s$) s},
81 |
{GetType(Char), AddressOf Casting.CastChar},
82 |
{GetType(Integer), AddressOf Casting.CastInteger},
83 |
{GetType(Double), AddressOf Casting.ParseNumeric},
84 |
{GetType(Long), AddressOf Casting.CastLong},
85 |
{GetType(Boolean), AddressOf ParseBoolean},
86 |
{GetType(Char()), AddressOf Casting.CastCharArray},
87 |
{GetType(Date), AddressOf Casting.CastDate},
88 |
{GetType(StringBuilder), AddressOf Casting.CastStringBuilder},
89 |
{GetType(CLI), AddressOf Casting.CastCommandLine},
90 |
{GetType(Image), AddressOf Casting.CastImage},
91 |
{GetType(FileInfo), AddressOf Casting.CastFileInfo},
92 |
{GetType(Graphics2D), AddressOf Casting.CastGDIPlusDeviceHandle},
93 |
{GetType(Color), AddressOf TranslateColor},
94 |
{GetType(Font), AddressOf Casting.CastFont},
95 |
{GetType(System.Net.IPEndPoint), AddressOf Casting.CastIPEndPoint},
96 |
{GetType(LogFile), AddressOf Casting.CastLogFile},
97 |
{GetType(Process), AddressOf Casting.CastProcess},
98 |
{GetType(RegexOptions), AddressOf Casting.CastRegexOptions},
99 |
{GetType(Single), AddressOf Casting.CastSingle},
100 |
{GetType(Decimal), Function(x) CDec(x)},
101 |
{GetType(Point), AddressOf PointParser},
102 |
{GetType(PointF), AddressOf FloatPointParser},
103 |
{GetType(Size), AddressOf SizeParser},
104 |
{GetType(SizeF), AddressOf FloatSizeParser},
105 |
{GetType(DoubleRange), AddressOf NumericRangeParser}
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 |
Public Function StringParser(type As Type) As DefaultValue(Of Func(Of String, Object))
110 |
Return New Func(Of String, Object)(Function(s$) s.CTypeDynamic(type))
111 |
End Function
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 |
119 |
120 |
<Extension> Public Function CTypeDynamic(expression$, target As Type) As Object
121 |
If expression.StringEmpty Then
122 |
Return Nothing
123 |
End If
124 |
If _CasterString.ContainsKey(target) Then
125 |
Dim caster As LoadObject = _CasterString(target)
126 |
Return caster(expression$)
127 |
End If
128 |
129 |
Static errCaster As New Index(Of String)
130 |
131 |
If expression.Length < 100 Then
132 |
133 |
134 |
If errCaster.IndexOf(expression & "|" & target.FullName) > -1 Then
135 |
136 |
Return Nothing
137 |
End If
138 |
End If
139 |
140 |
141 |
Return Conversion.CTypeDynamic(expression, target)
142 |
Catch ex As Exception
143 |
144 |
If expression.Length < 100 Then
145 |
errCaster.Add(expression & "|" & target.FullName)
146 |
End If
147 |
148 |
ex = New Exception($"{expression} ==> {target.FullName}", ex)
149 |
Call App.LogException(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod.GetFullName)
150 |
Return Nothing
151 |
End Try
152 |
End Function
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
161 |
<Extension> Public Function CTypeDynamic(Of T)(expr$, Optional [default] As T = Nothing) As T
162 |
Dim value As Object = CTypeDynamic(expr, GetType(T))
163 |
164 |
If value Is Nothing Then
165 |
Return [default]
166 |
167 |
Return DirectCast(value, T)
168 |
End If
169 |
End Function
170 |
171 |
172 |
173 |
174 |
175 |
176 |
177 |
Public Function DefaultTextParser(Of T)() As DefaultValue(Of IStringParser(Of T))
178 |
Return New IStringParser(Of T)(AddressOf CTypeDynamic(Of T)).AsDefault
179 |
End Function
180 |
181 |
182 |
183 |
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
188 |
Public Function IsPrimitive(targetType As Type) As Boolean
189 |
Return CasterString.ContainsKey(targetType)
190 |
End Function
191 |
192 |
193 |
Dynamics updates the capability of function <see cref="InputHandler.CTypeDynamic(String, Type)"/>,
194 |
<see cref="InputHandler.CTypeDynamic(Of T)(String, T)"/> and
195 |
<see cref="InputHandler.IsPrimitive(Type)"/>
196 |
197 |
<param name="briefName"></param>
198 |
<param name="stringConvertType"></param>
199 |
<param name="cast"></param>
200 |
Public Sub CapabilityPromise(briefName$, stringConvertType As Type, cast As LoadObject)
201 |
With _CasterString
202 |
If .ContainsKey(stringConvertType) Then
203 |
Call .Remove(stringConvertType)
204 |
End If
205 |
206 |
Call .Add(stringConvertType, cast)
207 |
End With
208 |
209 |
Dim key$ = briefName.ToLower
210 |
211 |
If Types.ContainsKey(key) Then
212 |
Call Types.Remove(key)
213 |
End If
214 |
Call Types.Add(key, stringConvertType)
215 |
End Sub
216 |
217 |
218 |
Enumerate all of the types that can be handled in this module. All of the key string is in lower case.(键值都是小写的)
219 |
220 |
Public ReadOnly Property Types As New SortedDictionary(Of String, Type) From {
221 |
222 |
{"string", GetType(String)},
223 |
{"integer", GetType(Integer)},
224 |
{"int32", GetType(Integer)},
225 |
{"int64", GetType(Long)},
226 |
{"long", GetType(Long)},
227 |
{"double", GetType(Double)},
228 |
{"byte", GetType(Byte)},
229 |
{"date", GetType(Date)},
230 |
{"logfile", GetType(LogFile)},
231 |
{"color", GetType(Color)},
232 |
{"process", GetType(Process)},
233 |
{"font", GetType(Font)},
234 |
{"image", GetType(Image)},
235 |
{"fileinfo", GetType(IO.FileInfo)},
236 |
{"ipaddress", GetType(System.Net.IPAddress)},
237 |
{"commandline", GetType(CLI)},
238 |
{"gdi+", GetType(Graphics2D)},
239 |
{"stringbuilder", GetType(StringBuilder)},
240 |
{"boolean", GetType(Boolean)},
241 |
{"char()", GetType(Char())},
242 |
{"string()", GetType(String())},
243 |
{"integer()", GetType(Integer())},
244 |
{"double()", GetType(Double())},
245 |
{"bitmap", GetType(Bitmap)},
246 |
{"object", GetType(Object)},
247 |
{"regexoptions", GetType(RegexOptions)}
248 |
249 |
250 |
251 |
Get .NET <see cref="Type"/> definition info from its name.
252 |
253 |
254 |
<param name="name">Case insensitive.(类型的名称简写)</param>
255 |
<param name="ObjectGeneric">是否出错的时候返回<see cref="Object"/>类型,默认返回Nothing</param>
256 |
257 |
Public Function [GetType](name As Value(Of String), Optional ObjectGeneric As Boolean = False) As Type
258 |
If Types.ContainsKey(name = name.Value.ToLower) Then
259 |
Return Types(name)
260 |
261 |
Dim typeInfo As Type = Type.GetType(name, False, True)
262 |
263 |
If typeInfo Is Nothing AndAlso ObjectGeneric Then
264 |
Return GetType(Object)
265 |
266 |
Return typeInfo
267 |
End If
268 |
End If
269 |
End Function
270 |
271 |
Public Function [GetType](obj As Object, Optional ObjectGeneric As Boolean = False) As Type
272 |
If obj Is Nothing Then
273 |
If ObjectGeneric Then
274 |
Return GetType(Object)
275 |
276 |
Return Nothing
277 |
End If
278 |
279 |
Return obj.GetType
280 |
End If
281 |
End Function
282 |
283 |
284 |
<see cref="System.Type"/> information for <see cref="System.String"/> type from GetType operator
285 |
286 |
287 |
Public ReadOnly Property [String] As Type = GetType(String)
288 |
289 |
290 |
Does the <paramref name="inputtype"/> type can be cast to type <paramref name="DefType"/>.
291 |
292 |
293 |
<param name="inputType"></param>
294 |
<param name="DefType"></param>
295 |
296 |
297 |
298 |
Public Function Convertible(inputType As Type, DefType As Type) As Boolean
299 |
Return inputType.Equals([String]) AndAlso CasterString.ContainsKey(DefType)
300 |
End Function
301 |
302 |
303 |
<seealso cref="CStrSafe"/>, 出现错误的时候总是会返回空字符串的
304 |
305 |
<param name="obj"></param>
306 |
307 |
308 |
309 |
Public Function ToString(obj As Object, Optional null$ = "") As String
310 |
Return CStrSafe(obj, null)
311 |
End Function
312 |
313 |
314 |
The parameter <paramref name="obj"/> should implements a <see cref="IEnumerable"/> interface on the type. and then DirectCast object to target type.
315 |
316 |
317 |
<param name="obj"></param>
318 |
319 |
Public Function CastArray(Of T)(obj As Object) As T()
320 |
Dim array = DirectCast(obj, IEnumerable)
321 |
Dim data = (From val In array Select DirectCast(val, T)).ToArray
322 |
Return data
323 |
End Function
324 |
325 |
Public Function CastArray(obj As Object, type As Type) As Object
326 |
If Array.IndexOf(obj.GetType.GetInterfaces, GetType(IEnumerable)) = -1 Then
327 |
Return obj
328 |
End If
329 |
330 |
Dim source As IEnumerable = DirectCast(obj, IEnumerable)
331 |
Dim data = LinqAPI.Exec(Of Object) _
332 |
333 |
() <= From val As Object
334 |
In source
335 |
Let value = Conversion.CTypeDynamic(val, type)
336 |
Select value
337 |
338 |
Return [DirectCast](data, type)
339 |
End Function
340 |
341 |
342 |
Cast the <see cref="Object"/> array to typed object array.
343 |
344 |
<param name="array"></param>
345 |
<param name="type">数组里面的元素的类型</param>
346 |
347 |
Public Function [DirectCast](array As Object(), type As Type) As Object
348 |
Dim out = CreateInstance(type, array.Length)
349 |
Call Copy(array, out, array.Length)
350 |
Return out
351 |
End Function
352 |
End Module
353 |
End Namespace