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#Region "Microsoft.VisualBasic::ebff84e767340583f68aa576db37f8ad, Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core\Extensions\WebServices\HttpGet.vb"
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#End Region
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Imports System.IO
45 |
Imports System.Net
46 |
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
47 |
Imports System.Text
48 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.Reflection
49 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Language
50 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Net.Http
51 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Scripting.MetaData
52 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Text.HtmlParser
53 |
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Public Module HttpGet
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<ExportAPI("Webpage.Request", Info:="Get the html page content from a website request Or a html file on the local filesystem.")>
69 |
<Extension> Public Function [GET](url As String,
70 |
71 |
Optional retry As UInt16 = 0,
72 |
<Parameter("FileSystem.Works?", "Is this a local html document on your filesystem?")>
73 |
Optional isFileUrl As Boolean = False,
74 |
Optional headers As Dictionary(Of String, String) = Nothing,
75 |
Optional proxy As String = Nothing,
76 |
Optional doNotRetry404 As Boolean = True,
77 |
Optional UA$ = UserAgent.GoogleChrome,
78 |
Optional refer$ = Nothing) As String
79 |
80 |
81 |
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88 |
#End If
89 |
' Call $"Request data from: {If(isFileUrl, url.ToFileURL, url)}".__DEBUG_ECHO
90 |
Call $"GET {If(isFileUrl, url.ToFileURL, url)}".__DEBUG_ECHO
91 |
92 |
If FileIO.FileSystem.FileExists(url) Then
93 |
Call "[Job DONE!]".__DEBUG_ECHO
94 |
Return FileIO.FileSystem.ReadAllText(url)
95 |
96 |
If isFileUrl Then
97 |
Call $"URL {url.ToFileURL} can not solved on your filesystem!".Warning
98 |
Return ""
99 |
End If
100 |
End If
101 |
102 |
If Not refer.StringEmpty Then
103 |
If headers Is Nothing Then
104 |
headers = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
105 |
End If
106 |
107 |
headers(NameOf(refer)) = refer
108 |
End If
109 |
110 |
Return url.__httpRequest(retry, headers, proxy, doNotRetry404, UA)
111 |
End Function
112 |
113 |
114 |
Private Function __httpRequest(url$, retries%, headers As Dictionary(Of String, String), proxy$, DoNotRetry404 As Boolean, UA$) As String
115 |
Dim retryTime As Integer = 0
116 |
117 |
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(proxy) Then
118 |
proxy = WebServiceUtils.Proxy
119 |
End If
120 |
121 |
122 |
RETRY: Return __get(url, headers, proxy, UA)
123 |
Catch ex As Exception When InStr(ex.Message, "(404) Not Found") > 0 AndAlso DoNotRetry404
124 |
Return LogException(url, New Exception(url, ex))
125 |
126 |
Catch ex As Exception When retryTime < retries
127 |
128 |
retryTime += 1
129 |
130 |
Call "Data download error, retry connect to the server!".PrintException
131 |
132 |
133 |
Catch ex As Exception
134 |
ex = New Exception(url, ex)
135 |
136 |
137 |
Return LogException(url, ex)
138 |
End Try
139 |
End Function
140 |
141 |
Private Function LogException(url As String, ex As Exception) As String
142 |
Dim exMessage As String = String.Format("Unable to get the http request!" & vbCrLf &
143 |
" Url:=[{0}]" & vbCrLf &
144 |
" EXCEPTION ===>" & vbCrLf & ex.ToString, url)
145 |
Call App.LogException(exMessage, NameOf([GET]) & "::HTTP_REQUEST_EXCEPTION")
146 |
Return ""
147 |
End Function
148 |
149 |
Const doctorcomError$ = "Please login your Campus Broadband Network Client at first!"
150 |
151 |
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155 |
Public Property HttpRequestTimeOut As Double
156 |
157 |
Private Function __get(url$, headers As Dictionary(Of String, String), proxy$, UA$) As String
158 |
Dim timer As Stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew
159 |
Dim webRequest As HttpWebRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(url)
160 |
161 |
webRequest.Headers.Add("Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.8,zh-Hans-CN;q=0.5,zh-Hans;q=0.3")
162 |
webRequest.UserAgent = If(UA = UserAgent.GoogleChrome, DefaultUA, UA)
163 |
164 |
If HttpRequestTimeOut > 0 Then
165 |
webRequest.Timeout = 1000 * HttpRequestTimeOut
166 |
End If
167 |
168 |
If Not headers.IsNullOrEmpty Then
169 |
For Each x In headers
170 |
webRequest.Headers(x.Key) = x.Value
171 |
172 |
End If
173 |
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(proxy) Then
174 |
Call webRequest.SetProxy(proxy)
175 |
End If
176 |
177 |
Using respStream As Stream = webRequest.GetResponse.GetResponseStream,
178 |
reader As New StreamReader(respStream)
179 |
180 |
Dim htmlBuilder As New StringBuilder
181 |
Dim line As Value(Of String) = ""
182 |
183 |
Do While Not (line = reader.ReadLine) Is Nothing
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
Dim html As String = htmlBuilder.ToString
188 |
Dim title As String = html.HTMLTitle
189 |
190 |
191 |
If InStr(html, "http://www.doctorcom.com", CompareMethod.Text) > 0 Then
192 |
Call doctorcomError.PrintException
193 |
Return ""
194 |
End If
195 |
196 |
Call $"[{title} {url}] --> sizeOf:={Len(html)} chars; response_time:={timer.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms.".__DEBUG_ECHO
197 |
#If DEBUG Then
198 |
Call html.SaveTo($"{App.AppSystemTemp}/{App.PID}/{url.NormalizePathString}.html")
199 |
#End If
200 |
Return html
201 |
End Using
202 |
End Function
203 |
End Module