1 | #Region "Microsoft.VisualBasic::12c98f9ebddf9232b3dd934386ce9b53, Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core\Extensions\Image\GDI+\GDICanvas.vb" |
2 | |
3 | ' Author: |
4 | ' |
5 | ' asuka (amethyst.asuka@gcmodeller.org) |
6 | ' xie (genetics@smrucc.org) |
7 | ' xieguigang (xie.guigang@live.com) |
8 | ' |
9 | ' Copyright (c) 2018 GPL3 Licensed |
10 | ' |
11 | ' |
13 | ' |
14 | ' |
15 | ' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
16 | ' it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
17 | ' the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
18 | ' (at your option) any later version. |
19 | ' |
20 | ' This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
21 | ' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
23 | ' GNU General Public License for more details. |
24 | ' |
25 | ' You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
26 | ' along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
27 | |
28 | |
29 | |
30 | ' /********************************************************************************/ |
31 | |
32 | ' Summaries: |
33 | |
34 | ' Class GDICanvas |
35 | ' |
36 | ' Properties: Clip, ClipBounds, CompositingMode, CompositingQuality, DpiX |
37 | ' DpiY, Font, Graphics, InterpolationMode, IsClipEmpty |
38 | ' IsVisibleClipEmpty, PageScale, PageUnit, PixelOffsetMode, RenderingOrigin |
39 | ' SmoothingMode, Stroke, TextContrast, TextRenderingHint, Transform |
40 | ' VisibleClipBounds |
41 | ' |
42 | ' Function: (+3 Overloads) BeginContainer, GetContextInfo, GetNearestColor, (+8 Overloads) IsVisible, MeasureCharacterRanges |
43 | ' (+8 Overloads) MeasureString |
44 | ' |
45 | ' Sub: AddMetafileComment, (+2 Overloads) Clear, (+4 Overloads) CopyFromScreen, Dispose, (+4 Overloads) DrawArc |
46 | ' DrawB, (+3 Overloads) DrawBezier, (+2 Overloads) DrawBeziers, (+4 Overloads) DrawClosedCurve, (+7 Overloads) DrawCurve |
47 | ' (+4 Overloads) DrawEllipse, (+2 Overloads) DrawIcon, DrawIconUnstretched, (+30 Overloads) DrawImage, (+4 Overloads) DrawImageUnscaled |
48 | ' DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped, (+5 Overloads) DrawLine, (+2 Overloads) DrawLines, DrawPath, (+4 Overloads) DrawPie |
49 | ' (+2 Overloads) DrawPolygon, (+4 Overloads) DrawRectangle, (+2 Overloads) DrawRectangles, (+7 Overloads) DrawString, EndContainer |
50 | ' (+36 Overloads) EnumerateMetafile, (+2 Overloads) ExcludeClip, (+6 Overloads) FillClosedCurve, (+4 Overloads) FillEllipse, FillPath |
51 | ' (+3 Overloads) FillPie, (+4 Overloads) FillPolygon, (+4 Overloads) FillRectangle, (+2 Overloads) FillRectangles, FillRegion |
52 | ' Finalize, (+2 Overloads) Flush, (+3 Overloads) IntersectClip, (+2 Overloads) MultiplyTransform, ReleaseHdc |
53 | ' ReleaseHdcInternal, ResetClip, ResetTransform, Restore, (+2 Overloads) RotateTransform |
54 | ' (+2 Overloads) ScaleTransform, (+9 Overloads) SetClip, (+2 Overloads) TransformPoints, (+2 Overloads) TranslateClip, (+2 Overloads) TranslateTransform |
55 | ' |
56 | ' |
57 | ' /********************************************************************************/ |
58 | |
59 | #End Region |
60 | |
61 | Imports System.ComponentModel |
62 | Imports System.Drawing |
63 | Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D |
64 | Imports System.Drawing.Graphics |
65 | Imports System.Drawing.Imaging |
66 | Imports System.Drawing.Text |
67 | Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices |
68 | |
69 | Namespace Imaging |
70 | |
71 | Public MustInherit Class GDICanvas : Inherits IGraphics |
72 | Implements IDisposable |
73 | |
74 | Protected g As Graphics |
75 | |
76 | ''' <summary> |
77 | ''' GDI+ device handle.(GDI+绘图设备句柄) |
78 | ''' </summary> |
79 | ''' <remarks></remarks> |
80 | Public Property Graphics As Graphics |
81 | <MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)> |
82 | Get |
83 | Return g |
84 | End Get |
85 | Set(value As Graphics) |
86 | g = value |
87 | End Set |
88 | End Property |
89 | |
90 | #Region "Default canvas style values" |
91 | ''' <summary> |
92 | ''' Default pen for drawing |
93 | ''' </summary> |
94 | ''' <returns></returns> |
95 | Public Property Stroke As Pen |
96 | ''' <summary> |
97 | ''' Default font value for text drawing |
98 | ''' </summary> |
99 | ''' <returns></returns> |
100 | Public Property Font As Font |
101 | #End Region |
102 | |
103 | #Region "Implements Class Graphics" |
104 | |
105 | Public Overloads Sub DrawLine(x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer, x2 As Integer, y2 As Integer) |
106 | Call Graphics.DrawLine(Stroke, x1, y1, x2, y2) |
107 | End Sub |
108 | |
109 | ''' <summary> |
110 | ''' Gets or sets a System.Drawing.Region that limits the drawing region of this System.Drawing.Graphics. |
111 | ''' </summary> |
112 | ''' <returns>A System.Drawing.Region that limits the portion of this System.Drawing.Graphics |
113 | ''' that is currently available for drawing.</returns> |
114 | Public Overrides Property Clip As Region |
115 | Get |
116 | Return Graphics.Clip |
117 | End Get |
118 | Set(value As Region) |
119 | Graphics.Clip = value |
120 | End Set |
121 | End Property |
122 | ' ' Summary: |
123 | ' Gets a System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that bounds the clipping region of |
124 | ' this System.Drawing.Graphics. |
125 | ' ' Returns: |
126 | ' A System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that represents a bounding rectangle for |
127 | ' the clipping region of this System.Drawing.Graphics. |
128 | Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ClipBounds As RectangleF |
129 | <MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)> |
130 | Get |
131 | Return Graphics.ClipBounds |
132 | End Get |
133 | End Property |
134 | |
135 | Public Overloads Sub DrawString(str As String, x As Integer, y As Integer) |
136 | Call Graphics.DrawString(str, Font, Brushes.Black, New Point(x, y)) |
137 | End Sub |
138 | |
139 | ''' <summary> |
140 | ''' Gets a value that specifies how composited images are drawn to this System.Drawing.Graphics. |
141 | ''' </summary> |
142 | ''' <returns> |
143 | ''' This property specifies a member of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingMode enumeration. |
144 | ''' The default is System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingMode.SourceOver. |
145 | ''' </returns> |
146 | Public Overrides Property CompositingMode As CompositingMode |
147 | Get |
148 | Return Graphics.CompositingMode |
149 | End Get |
150 | Set(value As CompositingMode) |
151 | Graphics.CompositingMode = value |
152 | End Set |
153 | End Property |
154 | |
155 | ''' <summary> |
156 | ''' Gets or sets the rendering quality of composited images drawn to this System.Drawing.Graphics. |
157 | ''' </summary> |
158 | ''' <returns> |
159 | ''' This property specifies a member of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingQuality enumeration. |
160 | ''' The default is System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingQuality.Default. |
161 | ''' </returns> |
162 | Public Overrides Property CompositingQuality As CompositingQuality |
163 | Get |
164 | Return Graphics.CompositingQuality |
165 | End Get |
166 | Set(value As CompositingQuality) |
167 | Graphics.CompositingQuality = value |
168 | End Set |
169 | End Property |
170 | |
171 | ''' <summary> |
172 | ''' Gets the horizontal resolution of this System.Drawing.Graphics. |
173 | ''' </summary> |
174 | ''' <returns> |
175 | ''' The value, in dots per inch, for the horizontal resolution supported by this System.Drawing.Graphics. |
176 | ''' </returns> |
177 | Public Overrides ReadOnly Property DpiX As Single |
178 | <MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)> |
179 | Get |
180 | Return Graphics.DpiX |
181 | End Get |
182 | End Property |
183 | |
184 | ''' <summary> |
185 | ''' Gets the vertical resolution of this System.Drawing.Graphics. |
186 | ''' </summary> |
187 | ''' <returns>The value, in dots per inch, for the vertical resolution supported by this System.Drawing.Graphics.</returns> |
188 | Public Overrides ReadOnly Property DpiY As Single |
189 | <MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)> |
190 | Get |
191 | Return Graphics.DpiY |
192 | End Get |
193 | End Property |
194 | |
195 | ''' <summary> |
196 | ''' Gets or sets the interpolation mode associated with this System.Drawing.Graphics. |
197 | ''' </summary> |
198 | ''' <returns>One of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode values.</returns> |
199 | Public Overrides Property InterpolationMode As InterpolationMode |
200 | Get |
201 | Return Graphics.InterpolationMode |
202 | End Get |
203 | Set(value As InterpolationMode) |
204 | Graphics.InterpolationMode = value |
205 | End Set |
206 | End Property |
207 | ' ' Summary: |
208 | ' Gets a value indicating whether the clipping region of this System.Drawing.Graphics |
209 | ' is empty. |
210 | ' ' Returns: |
211 | ' true if the clipping region of this System.Drawing.Graphics is empty; otherwise, |
212 | ' false. |
213 | Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsClipEmpty As Boolean |
214 | <MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)> |
215 | Get |
216 | Return Graphics.IsClipEmpty |
217 | End Get |
218 | End Property |
219 | ' ' Summary: |
220 | ' Gets a value indicating whether the visible clipping region of this System.Drawing.Graphics |
221 | ' is empty. |
222 | ' ' Returns: |
223 | ' true if the visible portion of the clipping region of this System.Drawing.Graphics |
224 | ' is empty; otherwise, false. |
225 | Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsVisibleClipEmpty As Boolean |
226 | <MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)> |
227 | Get |
228 | Return Graphics.IsVisibleClipEmpty |
229 | End Get |
230 | End Property |
231 | |
232 | ''' <summary> |
233 | ''' Gets or sets the scaling between world units and page units for this System.Drawing.Graphics. |
234 | ''' </summary> |
235 | ''' <returns>This property specifies a value for the scaling between world units and page |
236 | ''' units for this System.Drawing.Graphics.</returns> |
237 | Public Overrides Property PageScale As Single |
238 | Get |
239 | Return Graphics.PageScale |
240 | End Get |
241 | Set(value As Single) |
242 | Graphics.PageScale = value |
243 | End Set |
244 | End Property |
245 | ' ' Summary: |
246 | ' Gets or sets the unit of measure used for page coordinates in this System.Drawing.Graphics. |
247 | ' ' Returns: |
248 | ' One of the System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit values other than System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.World. |
249 | ' ' Exceptions: |
250 | ' T:System.ComponentModel.InvalidEnumArgumentException: |
251 | ' System.Drawing.Graphics.PageUnit is set to System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.World, |
252 | ' which is not a physical unit. |
253 | Public Overrides Property PageUnit As GraphicsUnit |
254 | Get |
255 | Return Graphics.PageUnit |
256 | End Get |
257 | Set(value As GraphicsUnit) |
258 | Graphics.PageUnit = value |
259 | End Set |
260 | End Property |
261 | |
262 | ''' <summary> |
263 | ''' Gets or set a value specifying how pixels are offset during rendering of this |
264 | ''' System.Drawing.Graphics. |
265 | ''' </summary> |
266 | ''' <returns>This property specifies a member of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode |
267 | ''' enumeration</returns> |
268 | Public Overrides Property PixelOffsetMode As PixelOffsetMode |
269 | Get |
270 | Return Graphics.PixelOffsetMode |
271 | End Get |
272 | Set(value As PixelOffsetMode) |
273 | Graphics.PixelOffsetMode = value |
274 | End Set |
275 | End Property |
276 | ' ' Summary: |
277 | ' Gets or sets the rendering origin of this System.Drawing.Graphics for dithering |
278 | ' and for hatch brushes. |
279 | ' ' Returns: |
280 | ' A System.Drawing.Point structure that represents the dither origin for 8-bits-per-pixel |
281 | ' and 16-bits-per-pixel dithering and is also used to set the origin for hatch |
282 | ' brushes. |
283 | Public Overrides Property RenderingOrigin As Point |
284 | Get |
285 | Return Graphics.RenderingOrigin |
286 | End Get |
287 | Set(value As Point) |
288 | Graphics.RenderingOrigin = value |
289 | End Set |
290 | End Property |
291 | |
292 | ''' <summary> |
293 | ''' Gets or sets the rendering quality for this System.Drawing.Graphics. |
294 | ''' </summary> |
295 | ''' <returns>One of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode values.</returns> |
296 | Public Overrides Property SmoothingMode As SmoothingMode |
297 | Get |
298 | Return Graphics.SmoothingMode |
299 | End Get |
300 | Set(value As SmoothingMode) |
301 | Graphics.SmoothingMode = value |
302 | End Set |
303 | End Property |
304 | ' ' Summary: |
305 | ' Gets or sets the gamma correction value for rendering text. |
306 | ' ' Returns: |
307 | ' The gamma correction value used for rendering antialiased and ClearType text. |
308 | Public Overrides Property TextContrast As Integer |
309 | Get |
310 | Return Graphics.TextContrast |
311 | End Get |
312 | Set(value As Integer) |
313 | Graphics.TextContrast = value |
314 | End Set |
315 | End Property |
316 | |
317 | ''' <summary> |
318 | ''' Gets or sets the rendering mode for text associated with this System.Drawing.Graphics. |
319 | ''' </summary> |
320 | ''' <returns>One of the System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint values.</returns> |
321 | Public Overrides Property TextRenderingHint As TextRenderingHint |
322 | Get |
323 | Return Graphics.TextRenderingHint |
324 | End Get |
325 | Set(value As TextRenderingHint) |
326 | Graphics.TextRenderingHint = value |
327 | End Set |
328 | End Property |
329 | ' ' Summary: |
330 | ' Gets or sets a copy of the geometric world transformation for this System.Drawing.Graphics. |
331 | ' ' Returns: |
332 | ' A copy of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix that represents the geometric world |
333 | ' transformation for this System.Drawing.Graphics. |
334 | Public Overrides Property Transform As Drawing2D.Matrix |
335 | Get |
336 | Return Graphics.Transform |
337 | End Get |
338 | Set(value As Drawing2D.Matrix) |
339 | Graphics.Transform = value |
340 | End Set |
341 | End Property |
342 | ' ' Summary: |
343 | ' Gets the bounding rectangle of the visible clipping region of this System.Drawing.Graphics. |
344 | ' ' Returns: |
345 | ' A System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that represents a bounding rectangle for |
346 | ' the visible clipping region of this System.Drawing.Graphics. |
347 | Public Overrides ReadOnly Property VisibleClipBounds As RectangleF |
348 | <MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)> |
349 | Get |
350 | Return Graphics.VisibleClipBounds |
351 | End Get |
352 | End Property |
353 | |
354 | ' ' Summary: |
355 | ' Adds a comment to the current System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile. |
356 | ' ' Parameters: |
357 | ' data: |
358 | ' Array of bytes that contains the comment. |
359 | Public Overrides Sub AddMetafileComment(data() As Byte) |
360 | Call Graphics.AddMetafileComment(data) |
361 | End Sub |
362 | |
363 | ''' <summary> |
364 | ''' Clears the entire drawing surface and fills it with the specified background |
365 | ''' color. |
366 | ''' </summary> |
367 | ''' <param name="color">System.Drawing.Color structure that represents the background color of the drawing |
368 | ''' surface.</param> |
369 | ''' |
370 | <MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)> |
371 | Public Overrides Sub Clear(color As Color) |
372 | Call Graphics.Clear(color) |
373 | End Sub |
374 | |
375 | <MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)> |
376 | Public Overloads Sub Clear(bg As Brush) |
377 | Call Graphics.FillRectangle(bg, New RectangleF(New PointF, Size.SizeF)) |
378 | End Sub |
379 | |
380 | ' Summary: |
381 | ' Performs a bit-block transfer of color data, corresponding to a rectangle of |
382 | ' pixels, from the screen to the drawing surface of the System.Drawing.Graphics. |
383 | ' ' Parameters: |
384 | ' upperLeftSource: |
385 | ' The point at the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. |
386 | ' ' upperLeftDestination: |
387 | ' The point at the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. |
388 | ' ' blockRegionSize: |
389 | ' The size of the area to be transferred. |
390 | ' ' Exceptions: |
391 | ' T:System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: |
392 | ' The operation failed. |
393 | Public Overrides Sub CopyFromScreen(upperLeftSource As Point, upperLeftDestination As Point, blockRegionSize As Size) |
394 | Call Graphics.CopyFromScreen(upperLeftSource, upperLeftDestination, blockRegionSize) |
395 | End Sub |
396 | ' ' Summary: |
397 | ' Performs a bit-block transfer of color data, corresponding to a rectangle of |
398 | ' pixels, from the screen to the drawing surface of the System.Drawing.Graphics. |
399 | ' ' Parameters: |
400 | ' upperLeftSource: |
401 | ' The point at the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. |
402 | ' ' upperLeftDestination: |
403 | ' The point at the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. |
404 | ' ' blockRegionSize: |
405 | ' The size of the area to be transferred. |
406 | ' ' copyPixelOperation: |
407 | ' One of the System.Drawing.CopyPixelOperation values. |
408 | ' ' Exceptions: |
409 | ' T:System.ComponentModel.InvalidEnumArgumentException: |
410 | ' copyPixelOperation is not a member of System.Drawing.CopyPixelOperation. |
411 | ' |
412 | ' T:System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: |
413 | ' The operation failed. |
414 | Public Overrides Sub CopyFromScreen(upperLeftSource As Point, upperLeftDestination As Point, blockRegionSize As Size, copyPixelOperation As CopyPixelOperation) |
415 | Call Graphics.CopyFromScreen(upperLeftSource, upperLeftDestination, blockRegionSize, copyPixelOperation) |
416 | End Sub |
417 | ' ' Summary: |
418 | ' Performs a bit-block transfer of the color data, corresponding to a rectangle |
419 | ' of pixels, from the screen to the drawing surface of the System.Drawing.Graphics. |
420 | ' ' Parameters: |
421 | ' sourceX: |
422 | ' The x-coordinate of the point at the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. |
423 | ' ' sourceY: |
424 | ' The y-coordinate of the point at the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. |
425 | ' ' destinationX: |
426 | ' The x-coordinate of the point at the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. |
427 | ' ' destinationY: |
428 | ' The y-coordinate of the point at the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. |
429 | ' ' blockRegionSize: |
430 | ' The size of the area to be transferred. |
431 | ' ' Exceptions: |
432 | ' T:System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: |
433 | ' The operation failed. |
434 | Public Overrides Sub CopyFromScreen(sourceX As Integer, sourceY As Integer, destinationX As Integer, destinationY As Integer, blockRegionSize As Size) |
435 | Call Graphics.CopyFromScreen(sourceX, sourceY, destinationX, destinationY, blockRegionSize) |
436 | End Sub |
437 | ' ' Summary: |
438 | ' Performs a bit-block transfer of the color data, corresponding to a rectangle |
439 | ' of pixels, from the screen to the drawing surface of the System.Drawing.Graphics. |
440 | ' ' Parameters: |
441 | ' sourceX: |
442 | ' The x-coordinate of the point at the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. |
443 | ' ' sourceY: |
444 | ' The y-coordinate of the point at the upper-left corner of the source rectangle |
445 | ' ' destinationX: |
446 | ' The x-coordinate of the point at the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. |
447 | ' ' destinationY: |
448 | ' The y-coordinate of the point at the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. |
449 | ' ' blockRegionSize: |
450 | ' The size of the area to be transferred. |
451 | ' ' copyPixelOperation: |
452 | ' One of the System.Drawing.CopyPixelOperation values. |
453 | ' ' Exceptions: |
454 | ' T:System.ComponentModel.InvalidEnumArgumentException: |
455 | ' copyPixelOperation is not a member of System.Drawing.CopyPixelOperation. |
456 | ' |
457 | ' T:System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: |
458 | ' The operation failed. |
459 | Public Overrides Sub CopyFromScreen(sourceX As Integer, sourceY As Integer, destinationX As Integer, destinationY As Integer, blockRegionSize As Size, copyPixelOperation As CopyPixelOperation) |
460 | Call Graphics.CopyFromScreen(sourceX, sourceY, destinationX, destinationY, blockRegionSize, copyPixelOperation) |
461 | End Sub |
462 | |
463 | ' ' Summary: |
464 | ' Draws an arc representing a portion of an ellipse specified by a System.Drawing.Rectangle |
465 | ' structure. |
466 | ' ' Parameters: |
467 | ' pen: |
468 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the arc. |
469 | ' ' rect: |
470 | ' System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that defines the boundaries of the ellipse. |
471 | ' ' startAngle: |
472 | ' Angle in degrees measured clockwise from the x-axis to the starting point of |
473 | ' the arc. |
474 | ' ' sweepAngle: |
475 | ' Angle in degrees measured clockwise from the startAngle parameter to ending point |
476 | ' of the arc. |
477 | ' ' Exceptions: |
478 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
479 | ' pen is null. |
480 | Public Overrides Sub DrawArc(pen As Pen, rect As Rectangle, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) |
481 | Call Graphics.DrawArc(pen, rect, startAngle, sweepAngle) |
482 | End Sub |
483 | ' ' Summary: |
484 | ' Draws an arc representing a portion of an ellipse specified by a System.Drawing.RectangleF |
485 | ' structure. |
486 | ' ' Parameters: |
487 | ' pen: |
488 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the arc. |
489 | ' ' rect: |
490 | ' System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that defines the boundaries of the ellipse. |
491 | ' ' startAngle: |
492 | ' Angle in degrees measured clockwise from the x-axis to the starting point of |
493 | ' the arc. |
494 | ' ' sweepAngle: |
495 | ' Angle in degrees measured clockwise from the startAngle parameter to ending point |
496 | ' of the arc. |
497 | ' ' Exceptions: |
498 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
499 | ' pen is null |
500 | Public Overrides Sub DrawArc(pen As Pen, rect As RectangleF, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) |
501 | Call Graphics.DrawArc(pen, rect, startAngle, sweepAngle) |
502 | End Sub |
503 | ' ' Summary: |
504 | ' Draws an arc representing a portion of an ellipse specified by a pair of coordinates, |
505 | ' a width, and a height. |
506 | ' ' Parameters: |
507 | ' pen: |
508 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the arc. |
509 | ' ' x: |
510 | ' The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle that defines the ellipse. |
511 | ' ' y: |
512 | ' The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle that defines the ellipse. |
513 | ' ' width: |
514 | ' Width of the rectangle that defines the ellipse. |
515 | ' ' height: |
516 | ' Height of the rectangle that defines the ellipse. |
517 | ' ' startAngle: |
518 | ' Angle in degrees measured clockwise from the x-axis to the starting point of |
519 | ' the arc. |
520 | ' ' sweepAngle: |
521 | ' Angle in degrees measured clockwise from the startAngle parameter to ending point |
522 | ' of the arc. |
523 | ' ' Exceptions: |
524 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
525 | ' pen is null.-or-rects is null. |
526 | ' |
527 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
528 | ' rects is a zero-length array. |
529 | Public Overrides Sub DrawArc(pen As Pen, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer, startAngle As Integer, sweepAngle As Integer) |
530 | |
531 | End Sub |
532 | ' ' Summary: |
533 | ' Draws an arc representing a portion of an ellipse specified by a pair of coordinates, |
534 | ' a width, and a height. |
535 | ' ' Parameters: |
536 | ' pen: |
537 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the arc. |
538 | ' ' x: |
539 | ' The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle that defines the ellipse. |
540 | ' ' y: |
541 | ' The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle that defines the ellipse. |
542 | ' ' width: |
543 | ' Width of the rectangle that defines the ellipse. |
544 | ' ' height: |
545 | ' Height of the rectangle that defines the ellipse. |
546 | ' ' startAngle: |
547 | ' Angle in degrees measured clockwise from the x-axis to the starting point of |
548 | ' the arc. |
549 | ' ' sweepAngle: |
550 | ' Angle in degrees measured clockwise from the startAngle parameter to ending point |
551 | ' of the arc. |
552 | ' ' Exceptions: |
553 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
554 | ' pen is null. |
555 | Public Overrides Sub DrawArc(pen As Pen, x As Single, y As Single, width As Single, height As Single, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) |
556 | |
557 | End Sub |
558 | |
559 | ''' <summary> |
560 | ''' Draws a Bézier spline defined by four System.Drawing.Point structures. |
561 | ''' </summary> |
562 | ''' <param name="pen">System.Drawing.Pen structure that determines the color, width, and style of the |
563 | ''' curve.</param> |
564 | ''' <param name="pt1">System.Drawing.Point structure that represents the starting point of the curve.</param> |
565 | ''' <param name="pt2">System.Drawing.Point structure that represents the first control point for the |
566 | ''' curve.</param> |
567 | ''' <param name="pt3">System.Drawing.Point structure that represents the second control point for the |
568 | ''' curve.</param> |
569 | ''' <param name="pt4">System.Drawing.Point structure that represents the ending point of the curve.</param> |
570 | Public Sub DrawBézier(pen As Pen, pt1 As Point, pt2 As Point, pt3 As Point, pt4 As Point) |
571 | Call Graphics.DrawBezier(pen, pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4) |
572 | End Sub |
573 | |
574 | ' Summary: |
575 | ' Draws a Bézier spline defined by four System.Drawing.PointF structures. |
576 | ' ' Parameters: |
577 | ' pen: |
578 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the curve. |
579 | ' ' pt1: |
580 | ' System.Drawing.PointF structure that represents the starting point of the curve. |
581 | ' ' pt2: |
582 | ' System.Drawing.PointF structure that represents the first control point for the |
583 | ' curve. |
584 | ' ' pt3: |
585 | ' System.Drawing.PointF structure that represents the second control point for |
586 | ' the curve. |
587 | ' ' pt4: |
588 | ' System.Drawing.PointF structure that represents the ending point of the curve. |
589 | ' ' Exceptions: |
590 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
591 | ' pen is null. |
592 | Public Overrides Sub DrawBezier(pen As Pen, pt1 As PointF, pt2 As PointF, pt3 As PointF, pt4 As PointF) |
593 | |
594 | End Sub |
595 | ' ' Summary: |
596 | ' Draws a Bézier spline defined by four ordered pairs of coordinates that represent |
597 | ' points. |
598 | ' ' Parameters: |
599 | ' pen: |
600 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the curve. |
601 | ' ' x1: |
602 | ' The x-coordinate of the starting point of the curve. |
603 | ' ' y1: |
604 | ' The y-coordinate of the starting point of the curve. |
605 | ' ' x2: |
606 | ' The x-coordinate of the first control point of the curve. |
607 | ' ' y2: |
608 | ' The y-coordinate of the first control point of the curve. |
609 | ' ' x3: |
610 | ' The x-coordinate of the second control point of the curve. |
611 | ' ' y3: |
612 | ' The y-coordinate of the second control point of the curve. |
613 | ' ' x4: |
614 | ' The x-coordinate of the ending point of the curve. |
615 | ' ' y4: |
616 | ' The y-coordinate of the ending point of the curve. |
617 | ' ' Exceptions: |
618 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
619 | ' pen is null. |
620 | Public Overrides Sub DrawBezier(pen As Pen, x1 As Single, y1 As Single, x2 As Single, y2 As Single, x3 As Single, y3 As Single, x4 As Single, y4 As Single) |
621 | |
622 | End Sub |
623 | ' ' Summary: |
624 | ' Draws a series of Bézier splines from an array of System.Drawing.Point structures. |
625 | ' ' Parameters: |
626 | ' pen: |
627 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the curve. |
628 | ' ' points: |
629 | ' Array of System.Drawing.Point structures that represent the points that determine |
630 | ' the curve. The number of points in the array should be a multiple of 3 plus 1, |
631 | ' such as 4, 7, or 10. |
632 | ' ' Exceptions: |
633 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
634 | ' pen is null.-or-points is null. |
635 | Public Overrides Sub DrawBeziers(pen As Pen, points() As Point) |
636 | |
637 | End Sub |
638 | ' ' Summary: |
639 | ' Draws a series of Bézier splines from an array of System.Drawing.PointF structures. |
640 | ' ' Parameters: |
641 | ' pen: |
642 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the curve. |
643 | ' ' points: |
644 | ' Array of System.Drawing.PointF structures that represent the points that determine |
645 | ' the curve. The number of points in the array should be a multiple of 3 plus 1, |
646 | ' such as 4, 7, or 10. |
647 | ' ' Exceptions: |
648 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
649 | ' pen is null.-or-points is null. |
650 | Public Overrides Sub DrawBeziers(pen As Pen, points() As PointF) |
651 | |
652 | End Sub |
653 | ' ' Summary: |
654 | ' Draws a closed cardinal spline defined by an array of System.Drawing.Point structures. |
655 | ' ' Parameters: |
656 | ' pen: |
657 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and height of the curve. |
658 | ' ' points: |
659 | ' Array of System.Drawing.Point structures that define the spline. |
660 | ' ' Exceptions: |
661 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
662 | ' pen is null.-or-points is null. |
663 | Public Overrides Sub DrawClosedCurve(pen As Pen, points() As Point) |
664 | |
665 | End Sub |
666 | ' ' Summary: |
667 | ' Draws a closed cardinal spline defined by an array of System.Drawing.PointF structures. |
668 | ' ' Parameters: |
669 | ' pen: |
670 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and height of the curve. |
671 | ' ' points: |
672 | ' Array of System.Drawing.PointF structures that define the spline. |
673 | ' ' Exceptions: |
674 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
675 | ' pen is null.-or-points is null. |
676 | Public Overrides Sub DrawClosedCurve(pen As Pen, points() As PointF) |
677 | |
678 | End Sub |
679 | ' ' Summary: |
680 | ' Draws a closed cardinal spline defined by an array of System.Drawing.Point structures |
681 | ' using a specified tension. |
682 | ' ' Parameters: |
683 | ' pen: |
684 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and height of the curve. |
685 | ' ' points: |
686 | ' Array of System.Drawing.Point structures that define the spline. |
687 | ' ' tension: |
688 | ' Value greater than or equal to 0.0F that specifies the tension of the curve. |
689 | ' ' fillmode: |
690 | ' Member of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.FillMode enumeration that determines how |
691 | ' the curve is filled. This parameter is required but ignored. |
692 | ' ' Exceptions: |
693 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
694 | ' pen is null.-or-points is null. |
695 | Public Overrides Sub DrawClosedCurve(pen As Pen, points() As Point, tension As Single, fillmode As FillMode) |
696 | |
697 | End Sub |
698 | ' ' Summary: |
699 | ' Draws a closed cardinal spline defined by an array of System.Drawing.PointF structures |
700 | ' using a specified tension. |
701 | ' ' Parameters: |
702 | ' pen: |
703 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and height of the curve. |
704 | ' ' points: |
705 | ' Array of System.Drawing.PointF structures that define the spline. |
706 | ' ' tension: |
707 | ' Value greater than or equal to 0.0F that specifies the tension of the curve. |
708 | ' ' fillmode: |
709 | ' Member of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.FillMode enumeration that determines how |
710 | ' the curve is filled. This parameter is required but is ignored. |
711 | ' ' Exceptions: |
712 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
713 | ' pen is null.-or-points is null. |
714 | Public Overrides Sub DrawClosedCurve(pen As Pen, points() As PointF, tension As Single, fillmode As FillMode) |
715 | |
716 | End Sub |
717 | ' ' Summary: |
718 | ' Draws a cardinal spline through a specified array of System.Drawing.Point structures. |
719 | ' ' Parameters: |
720 | ' pen: |
721 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and height of the curve. |
722 | ' ' points: |
723 | ' Array of System.Drawing.Point structures that define the spline. |
724 | ' ' Exceptions: |
725 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
726 | ' pen is null.-or-points is null. |
727 | Public Overrides Sub DrawCurve(pen As Pen, points() As Point) |
728 | |
729 | End Sub |
730 | ' ' Summary: |
731 | ' Draws a cardinal spline through a specified array of System.Drawing.PointF structures. |
732 | ' ' Parameters: |
733 | ' pen: |
734 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the curve. |
735 | ' ' points: |
736 | ' Array of System.Drawing.PointF structures that define the spline. |
737 | ' ' Exceptions: |
738 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
739 | ' pen is null.-or-points is null. |
740 | Public Overrides Sub DrawCurve(pen As Pen, points() As PointF) |
741 | |
742 | End Sub |
743 | |
744 | ' ' Summary: |
745 | ' Draws a cardinal spline through a specified array of System.Drawing.Point structures |
746 | ' using a specified tension. |
747 | ' ' Parameters: |
748 | ' pen: |
749 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the curve. |
750 | ' ' points: |
751 | ' Array of System.Drawing.Point structures that define the spline. |
752 | ' ' tension: |
753 | ' Value greater than or equal to 0.0F that specifies the tension of the curve. |
754 | ' ' Exceptions: |
755 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
756 | ' pen is null.-or-points is null. |
757 | Public Overrides Sub DrawCurve(pen As Pen, points() As Point, tension As Single) |
758 | |
759 | End Sub |
760 | |
761 | ' ' Summary: |
762 | ' Draws a cardinal spline through a specified array of System.Drawing.PointF structures |
763 | ' using a specified tension. |
764 | ' ' Parameters: |
765 | ' pen: |
766 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the curve. |
767 | ' ' points: |
768 | ' Array of System.Drawing.PointF structures that represent the points that define |
769 | ' the curve. |
770 | ' ' tension: |
771 | ' Value greater than or equal to 0.0F that specifies the tension of the curve. |
772 | ' ' Exceptions: |
773 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
774 | ' pen is null.-or-points is null. |
775 | Public Overrides Sub DrawCurve(pen As Pen, points() As PointF, tension As Single) |
776 | |
777 | End Sub |
778 | |
779 | ' ' Summary: |
780 | ' Draws a cardinal spline through a specified array of System.Drawing.PointF structures. |
781 | ' The drawing begins offset from the beginning of the array. |
782 | ' ' Parameters: |
783 | ' pen: |
784 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the curve. |
785 | ' ' points: |
786 | ' Array of System.Drawing.PointF structures that define the spline. |
787 | ' ' offset: |
788 | ' Offset from the first element in the array of the points parameter to the starting |
789 | ' point in the curve. |
790 | ' ' numberOfSegments: |
791 | ' Number of segments after the starting point to include in the curve. |
792 | ' ' Exceptions: |
793 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
794 | ' pen is null.-or-points is null. |
795 | Public Overrides Sub DrawCurve(pen As Pen, points() As PointF, offset As Integer, numberOfSegments As Integer) |
796 | |
797 | End Sub |
798 | |
799 | ' ' Summary: |
800 | ' Draws a cardinal spline through a specified array of System.Drawing.Point structures |
801 | ' using a specified tension. |
802 | ' ' Parameters: |
803 | ' pen: |
804 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the curve. |
805 | ' ' points: |
806 | ' Array of System.Drawing.Point structures that define the spline. |
807 | ' ' offset: |
808 | ' Offset from the first element in the array of the points parameter to the starting |
809 | ' point in the curve. |
810 | ' ' numberOfSegments: |
811 | ' Number of segments after the starting point to include in the curve. |
812 | ' ' tension: |
813 | ' Value greater than or equal to 0.0F that specifies the tension of the curve. |
814 | ' ' Exceptions: |
815 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
816 | ' pen is null.-or-points is null. |
817 | Public Overrides Sub DrawCurve(pen As Pen, points() As Point, offset As Integer, numberOfSegments As Integer, tension As Single) |
818 | |
819 | End Sub |
820 | |
821 | |
822 | ' ' Summary: |
823 | ' Draws a cardinal spline through a specified array of System.Drawing.PointF structures |
824 | ' using a specified tension. The drawing begins offset from the beginning of the |
825 | ' array. |
826 | ' ' Parameters: |
827 | ' pen: |
828 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the curve. |
829 | ' ' points: |
830 | ' Array of System.Drawing.PointF structures that define the spline. |
831 | ' ' offset: |
832 | ' Offset from the first element in the array of the points parameter to the starting |
833 | ' point in the curve. |
834 | ' ' numberOfSegments: |
835 | ' Number of segments after the starting point to include in the curve. |
836 | ' ' tension: |
837 | ' Value greater than or equal to 0.0F that specifies the tension of the curve. |
838 | ' ' Exceptions: |
839 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
840 | ' pen is null.-or-points is null. |
841 | Public Overrides Sub DrawCurve(pen As Pen, points() As PointF, offset As Integer, numberOfSegments As Integer, tension As Single) |
842 | |
843 | End Sub |
844 | ' ' Summary: |
845 | ' Draws an ellipse specified by a bounding System.Drawing.Rectangle structure. |
846 | ' ' Parameters: |
847 | ' pen: |
848 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the ellipse. |
849 | ' ' rect: |
850 | ' System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that defines the boundaries of the ellipse. |
851 | ' ' Exceptions: |
852 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
853 | ' pen is null. |
854 | Public Overrides Sub DrawEllipse(pen As Pen, rect As Rectangle) |
855 | Call Graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, rect) |
856 | End Sub |
857 | ' ' Summary: |
858 | ' Draws an ellipse defined by a bounding System.Drawing.RectangleF. |
859 | ' ' Parameters: |
860 | ' pen: |
861 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the ellipse. |
862 | ' ' rect: |
863 | ' System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that defines the boundaries of the ellipse. |
864 | ' ' Exceptions: |
865 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
866 | ' pen is null. |
867 | Public Overrides Sub DrawEllipse(pen As Pen, rect As RectangleF) |
868 | Call Graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, rect) |
869 | End Sub |
870 | ' ' Summary: |
871 | ' Draws an ellipse defined by a bounding rectangle specified by coordinates for |
872 | ' the upper-left corner of the rectangle, a height, and a width. |
873 | ' ' Parameters: |
874 | ' pen: |
875 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the ellipse. |
876 | ' ' x: |
877 | ' The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the bounding rectangle that defines |
878 | ' the ellipse. |
879 | ' ' y: |
880 | ' The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the bounding rectangle that defines |
881 | ' the ellipse. |
882 | ' ' width: |
883 | ' Width of the bounding rectangle that defines the ellipse. |
884 | ' ' height: |
885 | ' Height of the bounding rectangle that defines the ellipse. |
886 | ' ' Exceptions: |
887 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
888 | ' pen is null. |
889 | Public Overrides Sub DrawEllipse(pen As Pen, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer) |
890 | Call Graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, x, y, width, height) |
891 | End Sub |
892 | ' ' Summary: |
893 | ' Draws an ellipse defined by a bounding rectangle specified by a pair of coordinates, |
894 | ' a height, and a width. |
895 | ' ' Parameters: |
896 | ' pen: |
897 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the ellipse. |
898 | ' ' x: |
899 | ' The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the bounding rectangle that defines |
900 | ' the ellipse. |
901 | ' ' y: |
902 | ' The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the bounding rectangle that defines |
903 | ' the ellipse. |
904 | ' ' width: |
905 | ' Width of the bounding rectangle that defines the ellipse. |
906 | ' ' height: |
907 | ' Height of the bounding rectangle that defines the ellipse. |
908 | ' ' Exceptions: |
909 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
910 | ' pen is null. |
911 | Public Overrides Sub DrawEllipse(pen As Pen, x As Single, y As Single, width As Single, height As Single) |
912 | Call Graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, x, y, width, height) |
913 | End Sub |
914 | ' ' Summary: |
915 | ' Draws the image represented by the specified System.Drawing.Icon within the area |
916 | ' specified by a System.Drawing.Rectangle structure. |
917 | ' ' Parameters: |
918 | ' icon: |
919 | ' System.Drawing.Icon to draw. |
920 | ' ' targetRect: |
921 | ' System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that specifies the location and size of the |
922 | ' resulting image on the display surface. The image contained in the icon parameter |
923 | ' is scaled to the dimensions of this rectangular area. |
924 | ' ' Exceptions: |
925 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
926 | ' icon is null. |
927 | Public Overrides Sub DrawIcon(icon As Icon, targetRect As Rectangle) |
928 | Call Graphics.DrawIcon(icon, targetRect) |
929 | End Sub |
930 | ' ' Summary: |
931 | ' Draws the image represented by the specified System.Drawing.Icon at the specified |
932 | ' coordinates. |
933 | ' ' Parameters: |
934 | ' icon: |
935 | ' System.Drawing.Icon to draw. |
936 | ' ' x: |
937 | ' The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the drawn image. |
938 | ' ' y: |
939 | ' The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the drawn image. |
940 | ' ' Exceptions: |
941 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
942 | ' icon is null. |
943 | Public Overrides Sub DrawIcon(icon As Icon, x As Integer, y As Integer) |
944 | Call Graphics.DrawIcon(icon, x, y) |
945 | End Sub |
946 | ' ' Summary: |
947 | ' Draws the image represented by the specified System.Drawing.Icon without scaling |
948 | ' the image. |
949 | ' ' Parameters: |
950 | ' icon: |
951 | ' System.Drawing.Icon to draw. |
952 | ' ' targetRect: |
953 | ' System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that specifies the location and size of the |
954 | ' resulting image. The image is not scaled to fit this rectangle, but retains its |
955 | ' original size. If the image is larger than the rectangle, it is clipped to fit |
956 | ' inside it. |
957 | ' ' Exceptions: |
958 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
959 | ' icon is null. |
960 | Public Overrides Sub DrawIconUnstretched(icon As Icon, targetRect As Rectangle) |
961 | Call Graphics.DrawIconUnstretched(icon, targetRect) |
962 | End Sub |
963 | ' ' Summary: |
964 | ' Draws the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified location and with the |
965 | ' specified size. |
966 | ' ' Parameters: |
967 | ' image: |
968 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
969 | ' ' rect: |
970 | ' System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that specifies the location and size of the |
971 | ' drawn image. |
972 | ' ' Exceptions: |
973 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
974 | ' image is null. |
975 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, rect As RectangleF) |
976 | Call Graphics.DrawImage(image, rect) |
977 | End Sub |
978 | ' ' Summary: |
979 | ' Draws the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified location and with the |
980 | ' specified size. |
981 | ' ' Parameters: |
982 | ' image: |
983 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
984 | ' ' rect: |
985 | ' System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that specifies the location and size of the |
986 | ' drawn image. |
987 | ' ' Exceptions: |
988 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
989 | ' image is null. |
990 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, rect As Rectangle) |
991 | Call Graphics.DrawImage(image, rect) |
992 | End Sub |
993 | ' ' Summary: |
994 | ' Draws the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified location and with the |
995 | ' specified shape and size. |
996 | ' ' Parameters: |
997 | ' image: |
998 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
999 | ' ' destPoints: |
1000 | ' Array of three System.Drawing.Point structures that define a parallelogram. |
1001 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1002 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1003 | ' image is null. |
1004 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints() As Point) |
1005 | Call Graphics.DrawImage(image, destPoints) |
1006 | End Sub |
1007 | ' ' Summary: |
1008 | ' Draws the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified location and with the |
1009 | ' specified shape and size. |
1010 | ' ' Parameters: |
1011 | ' image: |
1012 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1013 | ' ' destPoints: |
1014 | ' Array of three System.Drawing.PointF structures that define a parallelogram. |
1015 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1016 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1017 | ' image is null. |
1018 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints() As PointF) |
1019 | Call Graphics.DrawImage(image, destPoints) |
1020 | End Sub |
1021 | |
1022 | ''' <summary> |
1023 | ''' Draws the specified System.Drawing.Image, using its original physical size, at |
1024 | ''' the specified location. |
1025 | ''' </summary> |
1026 | ''' <param name="image">System.Drawing.Image to draw.</param> |
1027 | ''' <param name="point">System.Drawing.Point structure that represents the location of the upper-left |
1028 | ''' corner of the drawn image.</param> |
1029 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, point As Point) |
1030 | Call Graphics.DrawImage(image, point) |
1031 | End Sub |
1032 | ' ' Summary: |
1033 | ' Draws the specified System.Drawing.Image, using its original physical size, at |
1034 | ' the specified location. |
1035 | ' ' Parameters: |
1036 | ' image: |
1037 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1038 | ' ' point: |
1039 | ' System.Drawing.PointF structure that represents the upper-left corner of the |
1040 | ' drawn image. |
1041 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1042 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1043 | ' image is null. |
1044 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, point As PointF) |
1045 | Call Graphics.DrawImage(image, point) |
1046 | End Sub |
1047 | ' ' Summary: |
1048 | ' Draws the specified image, using its original physical size, at the location |
1049 | ' specified by a coordinate pair. |
1050 | ' ' Parameters: |
1051 | ' image: |
1052 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1053 | ' ' x: |
1054 | ' The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the drawn image. |
1055 | ' ' y: |
1056 | ' The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the drawn image. |
1057 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1058 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1059 | ' image is null. |
1060 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, x As Integer, y As Integer) |
1061 | Call Graphics.DrawImage(image, x, y) |
1062 | End Sub |
1063 | ' ' Summary: |
1064 | ' Draws the specified System.Drawing.Image, using its original physical size, at |
1065 | ' the specified location. |
1066 | ' ' Parameters: |
1067 | ' image: |
1068 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1069 | ' ' x: |
1070 | ' The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the drawn image. |
1071 | ' ' y: |
1072 | ' The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the drawn image. |
1073 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1074 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1075 | ' image is null. |
1076 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, x As Single, y As Single) |
1077 | Call Graphics.DrawImage(image, x, y) |
1078 | End Sub |
1079 | ' ' Summary: |
1080 | ' Draws the specified portion of the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified |
1081 | ' location and with the specified size. |
1082 | ' ' Parameters: |
1083 | ' image: |
1084 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1085 | ' ' destPoints: |
1086 | ' Array of three System.Drawing.Point structures that define a parallelogram. |
1087 | ' ' srcRect: |
1088 | ' System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object |
1089 | ' to draw. |
1090 | ' ' srcUnit: |
1091 | ' Member of the System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit enumeration that specifies the units |
1092 | ' of measure used by the srcRect parameter. |
1093 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1094 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1095 | ' image is null. |
1096 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints() As Point, srcRect As Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit) |
1097 | |
1098 | End Sub |
1099 | ' ' Summary: |
1100 | ' Draws the specified portion of the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified |
1101 | ' location and with the specified size. |
1102 | ' ' Parameters: |
1103 | ' image: |
1104 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1105 | ' ' destRect: |
1106 | ' System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that specifies the location and size of the |
1107 | ' drawn image. The image is scaled to fit the rectangle. |
1108 | ' ' srcRect: |
1109 | ' System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object |
1110 | ' to draw. |
1111 | ' ' srcUnit: |
1112 | ' Member of the System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit enumeration that specifies the units |
1113 | ' of measure used by the srcRect parameter. |
1114 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1115 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1116 | ' image is null. |
1117 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destRect As Rectangle, srcRect As Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit) |
1118 | |
1119 | End Sub |
1120 | |
1121 | ''' <summary> |
1122 | ''' Draws the specified portion of the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified |
1123 | ''' location and with the specified size. |
1124 | ''' </summary> |
1125 | ''' <param name="image">System.Drawing.Image to draw.</param> |
1126 | ''' <param name="destPoints">Array of three System.Drawing.PointF structures that define a parallelogram.</param> |
1127 | ''' <param name="srcRect">System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that specifies the portion of the image object |
1128 | ''' to draw.</param> |
1129 | ''' <param name="srcUnit">Member of the System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit enumeration that specifies the units |
1130 | ''' of measure used by the srcRect parameter.</param> |
1131 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints() As PointF, srcRect As RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit) |
1132 | Call Graphics.DrawImage(image, destPoints, srcRect, srcUnit) |
1133 | End Sub |
1134 | |
1135 | ''' <summary> |
1136 | ''' Draws the specified portion of the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified |
1137 | ''' location and with the specified size. |
1138 | ''' </summary> |
1139 | ''' <param name="image">System.Drawing.Image to draw.</param> |
1140 | ''' <param name="destRect">System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that specifies the location and size of the |
1141 | ''' drawn image. The image is scaled to fit the rectangle.</param> |
1142 | ''' <param name="srcRect">System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that specifies the portion of the image object |
1143 | ''' to draw.</param> |
1144 | ''' <param name="srcUnit">Member of the System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit enumeration that specifies the units |
1145 | ''' of measure used by the srcRect parameter.</param> |
1146 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destRect As RectangleF, srcRect As RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit) |
1147 | Call Graphics.DrawImage(image, destRect, srcRect, srcUnit) |
1148 | End Sub |
1149 | ' ' Summary: |
1150 | ' Draws a portion of an image at a specified location. |
1151 | ' ' Parameters: |
1152 | ' image: |
1153 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1154 | ' ' x: |
1155 | ' The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the drawn image. |
1156 | ' ' y: |
1157 | ' The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the drawn image. |
1158 | ' ' srcRect: |
1159 | ' System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that specifies the portion of the System.Drawing.Image |
1160 | ' to draw. |
1161 | ' ' srcUnit: |
1162 | ' Member of the System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit enumeration that specifies the units |
1163 | ' of measure used by the srcRect parameter. |
1164 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1165 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1166 | ' image is null. |
1167 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, x As Single, y As Single, srcRect As RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit) |
1168 | |
1169 | End Sub |
1170 | ' ' Summary: |
1171 | ' Draws the specified portion of the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified |
1172 | ' location. |
1173 | ' ' Parameters: |
1174 | ' image: |
1175 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1176 | ' ' destPoints: |
1177 | ' Array of three System.Drawing.Point structures that define a parallelogram. |
1178 | ' ' srcRect: |
1179 | ' System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object |
1180 | ' to draw. |
1181 | ' ' srcUnit: |
1182 | ' Member of the System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit enumeration that specifies the units |
1183 | ' of measure used by the srcRect parameter. |
1184 | ' ' imageAttr: |
1185 | ' System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes that specifies recoloring and gamma information |
1186 | ' for the image object. |
1187 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1188 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1189 | ' image is null. |
1190 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints() As Point, srcRect As Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, imageAttr As ImageAttributes) |
1191 | |
1192 | End Sub |
1193 | ' ' Summary: |
1194 | ' Draws the specified portion of the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified |
1195 | ' location and with the specified size. |
1196 | ' ' Parameters: |
1197 | ' image: |
1198 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1199 | ' ' destPoints: |
1200 | ' Array of three System.Drawing.PointF structures that define a parallelogram. |
1201 | ' ' srcRect: |
1202 | ' System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that specifies the portion of the image object |
1203 | ' to draw. |
1204 | ' ' srcUnit: |
1205 | ' Member of the System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit enumeration that specifies the units |
1206 | ' of measure used by the srcRect parameter. |
1207 | ' ' imageAttr: |
1208 | ' System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes that specifies recoloring and gamma information |
1209 | ' for the image object. |
1210 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1211 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1212 | ' image is null. |
1213 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints() As PointF, srcRect As RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, imageAttr As ImageAttributes) |
1214 | |
1215 | End Sub |
1216 | ' ' Summary: |
1217 | ' Draws a portion of an image at a specified location. |
1218 | ' ' Parameters: |
1219 | ' image: |
1220 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1221 | ' ' x: |
1222 | ' The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the drawn image. |
1223 | ' ' y: |
1224 | ' The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the drawn image. |
1225 | ' ' srcRect: |
1226 | ' System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object |
1227 | ' to draw. |
1228 | ' ' srcUnit: |
1229 | ' Member of the System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit enumeration that specifies the units |
1230 | ' of measure used by the srcRect parameter. |
1231 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1232 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1233 | ' image is null. |
1234 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, x As Integer, y As Integer, srcRect As Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit) |
1235 | Call Graphics.DrawImage(image, x, y, srcRect, srcUnit) |
1236 | End Sub |
1237 | |
1238 | ''' <summary> |
1239 | ''' Draws the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified location and with the |
1240 | ''' specified size. |
1241 | ''' </summary> |
1242 | ''' <param name="image">System.Drawing.Image to draw.</param> |
1243 | ''' <param name="x">The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the drawn image.</param> |
1244 | ''' <param name="y">The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the drawn image.</param> |
1245 | ''' <param name="width">Width of the drawn image.</param> |
1246 | ''' <param name="height">Height of the drawn image.</param> |
1247 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer) |
1248 | Call Graphics.DrawImage(image, x, y, width, height) |
1249 | End Sub |
1250 | ' ' Summary: |
1251 | ' Draws the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified location and with the |
1252 | ' specified size. |
1253 | ' ' Parameters: |
1254 | ' image: |
1255 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1256 | ' ' x: |
1257 | ' The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the drawn image. |
1258 | ' ' y: |
1259 | ' The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the drawn image. |
1260 | ' ' width: |
1261 | ' Width of the drawn image. |
1262 | ' ' height: |
1263 | ' Height of the drawn image. |
1264 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1265 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1266 | ' image is null. |
1267 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, x As Single, y As Single, width As Single, height As Single) |
1268 | Call Graphics.DrawImage(image, x, y, width, height) |
1269 | End Sub |
1270 | ' ' Summary: |
1271 | ' Draws the specified portion of the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified |
1272 | ' location and with the specified size. |
1273 | ' ' Parameters: |
1274 | ' image: |
1275 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1276 | ' ' destPoints: |
1277 | ' Array of three System.Drawing.PointF structures that define a parallelogram. |
1278 | ' ' srcRect: |
1279 | ' System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object |
1280 | ' to draw. |
1281 | ' ' srcUnit: |
1282 | ' Member of the System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit enumeration that specifies the units |
1283 | ' of measure used by the srcRect parameter. |
1284 | ' ' imageAttr: |
1285 | ' System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes that specifies recoloring and gamma information |
1286 | ' for the image object. |
1287 | ' ' callback: |
1288 | ' System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImageAbort delegate that specifies a method to call |
1289 | ' during the drawing of the image. This method is called frequently to check whether |
1290 | ' to stop execution of the System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImage(System.Drawing.Image,System.Drawing.Point[],System.Drawing.Rectangle,System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit,System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes,System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImageAbort) |
1291 | ' method according to application-determined criteria. |
1292 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1293 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1294 | ' image is null. |
1295 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints() As Point, srcRect As Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, imageAttr As ImageAttributes, callback As DrawImageAbort) |
1296 | |
1297 | End Sub |
1298 | ' ' Summary: |
1299 | ' Draws the specified portion of the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified |
1300 | ' location and with the specified size. |
1301 | ' ' Parameters: |
1302 | ' image: |
1303 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1304 | ' ' destPoints: |
1305 | ' Array of three System.Drawing.PointF structures that define a parallelogram. |
1306 | ' ' srcRect: |
1307 | ' System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that specifies the portion of the image object |
1308 | ' to draw. |
1309 | ' ' srcUnit: |
1310 | ' Member of the System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit enumeration that specifies the units |
1311 | ' of measure used by the srcRect parameter. |
1312 | ' ' imageAttr: |
1313 | ' System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes that specifies recoloring and gamma information |
1314 | ' for the image object. |
1315 | ' ' callback: |
1316 | ' System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImageAbort delegate that specifies a method to call |
1317 | ' during the drawing of the image. This method is called frequently to check whether |
1318 | ' to stop execution of the System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImage(System.Drawing.Image,System.Drawing.PointF[],System.Drawing.RectangleF,System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit,System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes,System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImageAbort) |
1319 | ' method according to application-determined criteria. |
1320 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1321 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1322 | ' image is null. |
1323 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints() As PointF, srcRect As RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, imageAttr As ImageAttributes, callback As DrawImageAbort) |
1324 | |
1325 | End Sub |
1326 | ' ' Summary: |
1327 | ' Draws the specified portion of the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified |
1328 | ' location and with the specified size. |
1329 | ' ' Parameters: |
1330 | ' image: |
1331 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1332 | ' ' destRect: |
1333 | ' System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that specifies the location and size of the |
1334 | ' drawn image. The image is scaled to fit the rectangle. |
1335 | ' ' srcX: |
1336 | ' The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the portion of the source image |
1337 | ' to draw. |
1338 | ' ' srcY: |
1339 | ' The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the portion of the source image |
1340 | ' to draw. |
1341 | ' ' srcWidth: |
1342 | ' Width of the portion of the source image to draw. |
1343 | ' ' srcHeight: |
1344 | ' Height of the portion of the source image to draw. |
1345 | ' ' srcUnit: |
1346 | ' Member of the System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit enumeration that specifies the units |
1347 | ' of measure used to determine the source rectangle. |
1348 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1349 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1350 | ' image is null. |
1351 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destRect As Rectangle, srcX As Integer, srcY As Integer, srcWidth As Integer, srcHeight As Integer, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit) |
1352 | |
1353 | End Sub |
1354 | ' ' Summary: |
1355 | ' Draws the specified portion of the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified |
1356 | ' location and with the specified size. |
1357 | ' ' Parameters: |
1358 | ' image: |
1359 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1360 | ' ' destPoints: |
1361 | ' Array of three System.Drawing.PointF structures that define a parallelogram. |
1362 | ' ' srcRect: |
1363 | ' System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object |
1364 | ' to draw. |
1365 | ' ' srcUnit: |
1366 | ' Member of the System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit enumeration that specifies the units |
1367 | ' of measure used by the srcRect parameter. |
1368 | ' ' imageAttr: |
1369 | ' System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes that specifies recoloring and gamma information |
1370 | ' for the image object. |
1371 | ' ' callback: |
1372 | ' System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImageAbort delegate that specifies a method to call |
1373 | ' during the drawing of the image. This method is called frequently to check whether |
1374 | ' to stop execution of the System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImage(System.Drawing.Image,System.Drawing.Point[],System.Drawing.Rectangle,System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit,System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes,System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImageAbort,System.Int32) |
1375 | ' method according to application-determined criteria. |
1376 | ' ' callbackData: |
1377 | ' Value specifying additional data for the System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImageAbort |
1378 | ' delegate to use when checking whether to stop execution of the System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImage(System.Drawing.Image,System.Drawing.Point[],System.Drawing.Rectangle,System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit,System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes,System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImageAbort,System.Int32) |
1379 | ' method. |
1380 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints() As Point, srcRect As Rectangle, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, imageAttr As ImageAttributes, callback As DrawImageAbort, callbackData As Integer) |
1381 | |
1382 | End Sub |
1383 | ' ' Summary: |
1384 | ' Draws the specified portion of the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified |
1385 | ' location and with the specified size. |
1386 | ' ' Parameters: |
1387 | ' image: |
1388 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1389 | ' ' destRect: |
1390 | ' System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that specifies the location and size of the |
1391 | ' drawn image. The image is scaled to fit the rectangle. |
1392 | ' ' srcX: |
1393 | ' The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the portion of the source image |
1394 | ' to draw. |
1395 | ' ' srcY: |
1396 | ' The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the portion of the source image |
1397 | ' to draw. |
1398 | ' ' srcWidth: |
1399 | ' Width of the portion of the source image to draw. |
1400 | ' ' srcHeight: |
1401 | ' Height of the portion of the source image to draw. |
1402 | ' ' srcUnit: |
1403 | ' Member of the System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit enumeration that specifies the units |
1404 | ' of measure used to determine the source rectangle. |
1405 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1406 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1407 | ' image is null. |
1408 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destRect As Rectangle, srcX As Single, srcY As Single, srcWidth As Single, srcHeight As Single, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit) |
1409 | |
1410 | End Sub |
1411 | ' ' Summary: |
1412 | ' Draws the specified portion of the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified |
1413 | ' location and with the specified size. |
1414 | ' ' Parameters: |
1415 | ' image: |
1416 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1417 | ' ' destPoints: |
1418 | ' Array of three System.Drawing.PointF structures that define a parallelogram. |
1419 | ' ' srcRect: |
1420 | ' System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that specifies the portion of the image object |
1421 | ' to draw. |
1422 | ' ' srcUnit: |
1423 | ' Member of the System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit enumeration that specifies the units |
1424 | ' of measure used by the srcRect parameter. |
1425 | ' ' imageAttr: |
1426 | ' System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes that specifies recoloring and gamma information |
1427 | ' for the image object. |
1428 | ' ' callback: |
1429 | ' System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImageAbort delegate that specifies a method to call |
1430 | ' during the drawing of the image. This method is called frequently to check whether |
1431 | ' to stop execution of the System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImage(System.Drawing.Image,System.Drawing.PointF[],System.Drawing.RectangleF,System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit,System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes,System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImageAbort,System.Int32) |
1432 | ' method according to application-determined criteria. |
1433 | ' ' callbackData: |
1434 | ' Value specifying additional data for the System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImageAbort |
1435 | ' delegate to use when checking whether to stop execution of the System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImage(System.Drawing.Image,System.Drawing.PointF[],System.Drawing.RectangleF,System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit,System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes,System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImageAbort,System.Int32) |
1436 | ' method. |
1437 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1438 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1439 | ' image is null. |
1440 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destPoints() As PointF, srcRect As RectangleF, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, imageAttr As ImageAttributes, callback As DrawImageAbort, callbackData As Integer) |
1441 | |
1442 | End Sub |
1443 | ' ' Summary: |
1444 | ' Draws the specified portion of the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified |
1445 | ' location and with the specified size. |
1446 | ' ' Parameters: |
1447 | ' image: |
1448 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1449 | ' ' destRect: |
1450 | ' System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that specifies the location and size of the |
1451 | ' drawn image. The image is scaled to fit the rectangle. |
1452 | ' ' srcX: |
1453 | ' The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the portion of the source image |
1454 | ' to draw. |
1455 | ' ' srcY: |
1456 | ' The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the portion of the source image |
1457 | ' to draw. |
1458 | ' ' srcWidth: |
1459 | ' Width of the portion of the source image to draw. |
1460 | ' ' srcHeight: |
1461 | ' Height of the portion of the source image to draw. |
1462 | ' ' srcUnit: |
1463 | ' Member of the System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit enumeration that specifies the units |
1464 | ' of measure used to determine the source rectangle. |
1465 | ' ' imageAttr: |
1466 | ' System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes that specifies recoloring and gamma information |
1467 | ' for the image object. |
1468 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1469 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1470 | ' image is null. |
1471 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destRect As Rectangle, srcX As Integer, srcY As Integer, srcWidth As Integer, srcHeight As Integer, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, imageAttr As ImageAttributes) |
1472 | |
1473 | End Sub |
1474 | ' ' Summary: |
1475 | ' Draws the specified portion of the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified |
1476 | ' location and with the specified size. |
1477 | ' ' Parameters: |
1478 | ' image: |
1479 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1480 | ' ' destRect: |
1481 | ' System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that specifies the location and size of the |
1482 | ' drawn image. The image is scaled to fit the rectangle. |
1483 | ' ' srcX: |
1484 | ' The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the portion of the source image |
1485 | ' to draw. |
1486 | ' ' srcY: |
1487 | ' The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the portion of the source image |
1488 | ' to draw. |
1489 | ' ' srcWidth: |
1490 | ' Width of the portion of the source image to draw. |
1491 | ' ' srcHeight: |
1492 | ' Height of the portion of the source image to draw. |
1493 | ' ' srcUnit: |
1494 | ' Member of the System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit enumeration that specifies the units |
1495 | ' of measure used to determine the source rectangle. |
1496 | ' ' imageAttrs: |
1497 | ' System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes that specifies recoloring and gamma information |
1498 | ' for the image object. |
1499 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1500 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1501 | ' image is null. |
1502 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destRect As Rectangle, srcX As Single, srcY As Single, srcWidth As Single, srcHeight As Single, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, imageAttrs As ImageAttributes) |
1503 | |
1504 | End Sub |
1505 | ' ' Summary: |
1506 | ' Draws the specified portion of the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified |
1507 | ' location and with the specified size. |
1508 | ' ' Parameters: |
1509 | ' image: |
1510 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1511 | ' ' destRect: |
1512 | ' System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that specifies the location and size of the |
1513 | ' drawn image. The image is scaled to fit the rectangle. |
1514 | ' ' srcX: |
1515 | ' The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the portion of the source image |
1516 | ' to draw. |
1517 | ' ' srcY: |
1518 | ' The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the portion of the source image |
1519 | ' to draw. |
1520 | ' ' srcWidth: |
1521 | ' Width of the portion of the source image to draw. |
1522 | ' ' srcHeight: |
1523 | ' Height of the portion of the source image to draw. |
1524 | ' ' srcUnit: |
1525 | ' Member of the System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit enumeration that specifies the units |
1526 | ' of measure used to determine the source rectangle. |
1527 | ' ' imageAttr: |
1528 | ' System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes that specifies recoloring and gamma information |
1529 | ' for image. |
1530 | ' ' callback: |
1531 | ' System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImageAbort delegate that specifies a method to call |
1532 | ' during the drawing of the image. This method is called frequently to check whether |
1533 | ' to stop execution of the System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImage(System.Drawing.Image,System.Drawing.Rectangle,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit,System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes,System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImageAbort) |
1534 | ' method according to application-determined criteria. |
1535 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1536 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1537 | ' image is null. |
1538 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destRect As Rectangle, srcX As Integer, srcY As Integer, srcWidth As Integer, srcHeight As Integer, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, imageAttr As ImageAttributes, callback As DrawImageAbort) |
1539 | |
1540 | End Sub |
1541 | ' ' Summary: |
1542 | ' Draws the specified portion of the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified |
1543 | ' location and with the specified size. |
1544 | ' ' Parameters: |
1545 | ' image: |
1546 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1547 | ' ' destRect: |
1548 | ' System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that specifies the location and size of the |
1549 | ' drawn image. The image is scaled to fit the rectangle. |
1550 | ' ' srcX: |
1551 | ' The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the portion of the source image |
1552 | ' to draw. |
1553 | ' ' srcY: |
1554 | ' The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the portion of the source image |
1555 | ' to draw. |
1556 | ' ' srcWidth: |
1557 | ' Width of the portion of the source image to draw. |
1558 | ' ' srcHeight: |
1559 | ' Height of the portion of the source image to draw. |
1560 | ' ' srcUnit: |
1561 | ' Member of the System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit enumeration that specifies the units |
1562 | ' of measure used to determine the source rectangle. |
1563 | ' ' imageAttrs: |
1564 | ' System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes that specifies recoloring and gamma information |
1565 | ' for the image object. |
1566 | ' ' callback: |
1567 | ' System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImageAbort delegate that specifies a method to call |
1568 | ' during the drawing of the image. This method is called frequently to check whether |
1569 | ' to stop execution of the System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImage(System.Drawing.Image,System.Drawing.Rectangle,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit,System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes,System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImageAbort) |
1570 | ' method according to application-determined criteria. |
1571 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1572 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1573 | ' image is null. |
1574 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destRect As Rectangle, srcX As Single, srcY As Single, srcWidth As Single, srcHeight As Single, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, imageAttrs As ImageAttributes, callback As DrawImageAbort) |
1575 | |
1576 | End Sub |
1577 | ' ' Summary: |
1578 | ' Draws the specified portion of the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified |
1579 | ' location and with the specified size. |
1580 | ' ' Parameters: |
1581 | ' image: |
1582 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1583 | ' ' destRect: |
1584 | ' System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that specifies the location and size of the |
1585 | ' drawn image. The image is scaled to fit the rectangle. |
1586 | ' ' srcX: |
1587 | ' The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the portion of the source image |
1588 | ' to draw. |
1589 | ' ' srcY: |
1590 | ' The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the portion of the source image |
1591 | ' to draw. |
1592 | ' ' srcWidth: |
1593 | ' Width of the portion of the source image to draw. |
1594 | ' ' srcHeight: |
1595 | ' Height of the portion of the source image to draw. |
1596 | ' ' srcUnit: |
1597 | ' Member of the System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit enumeration that specifies the units |
1598 | ' of measure used to determine the source rectangle. |
1599 | ' ' imageAttrs: |
1600 | ' System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes that specifies recoloring and gamma information |
1601 | ' for the image object. |
1602 | ' ' callback: |
1603 | ' System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImageAbort delegate that specifies a method to call |
1604 | ' during the drawing of the image. This method is called frequently to check whether |
1605 | ' to stop execution of the System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImage(System.Drawing.Image,System.Drawing.Rectangle,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit,System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes,System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImageAbort,System.IntPtr) |
1606 | ' method according to application-determined criteria. |
1607 | ' ' callbackData: |
1608 | ' Value specifying additional data for the System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImageAbort |
1609 | ' delegate to use when checking whether to stop execution of the DrawImage method. |
1610 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1611 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1612 | ' image is null. |
1613 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destRect As Rectangle, srcX As Integer, srcY As Integer, srcWidth As Integer, srcHeight As Integer, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, imageAttrs As ImageAttributes, callback As DrawImageAbort, callbackData As IntPtr) |
1614 | |
1615 | End Sub |
1616 | ' ' Summary: |
1617 | ' Draws the specified portion of the specified System.Drawing.Image at the specified |
1618 | ' location and with the specified size. |
1619 | ' ' Parameters: |
1620 | ' image: |
1621 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1622 | ' ' destRect: |
1623 | ' System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that specifies the location and size of the |
1624 | ' drawn image. The image is scaled to fit the rectangle. |
1625 | ' ' srcX: |
1626 | ' The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the portion of the source image |
1627 | ' to draw. |
1628 | ' ' srcY: |
1629 | ' The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the portion of the source image |
1630 | ' to draw. |
1631 | ' ' srcWidth: |
1632 | ' Width of the portion of the source image to draw. |
1633 | ' ' srcHeight: |
1634 | ' Height of the portion of the source image to draw. |
1635 | ' ' srcUnit: |
1636 | ' Member of the System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit enumeration that specifies the units |
1637 | ' of measure used to determine the source rectangle. |
1638 | ' ' imageAttrs: |
1639 | ' System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes that specifies recoloring and gamma information |
1640 | ' for the image object. |
1641 | ' ' callback: |
1642 | ' System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImageAbort delegate that specifies a method to call |
1643 | ' during the drawing of the image. This method is called frequently to check whether |
1644 | ' to stop execution of the System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImage(System.Drawing.Image,System.Drawing.Rectangle,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit,System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes,System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImageAbort,System.IntPtr) |
1645 | ' method according to application-determined criteria. |
1646 | ' ' callbackData: |
1647 | ' Value specifying additional data for the System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImageAbort |
1648 | ' delegate to use when checking whether to stop execution of the DrawImage method. |
1649 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1650 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1651 | ' image is null. |
1652 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImage(image As Image, destRect As Rectangle, srcX As Single, srcY As Single, srcWidth As Single, srcHeight As Single, srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, imageAttrs As ImageAttributes, callback As DrawImageAbort, callbackData As IntPtr) |
1653 | |
1654 | End Sub |
1655 | ' ' Summary: |
1656 | ' Draws a specified image using its original physical size at a specified location. |
1657 | ' ' Parameters: |
1658 | ' image: |
1659 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1660 | ' ' rect: |
1661 | ' System.Drawing.Rectangle that specifies the upper-left corner of the drawn image. |
1662 | ' The X and Y properties of the rectangle specify the upper-left corner. The Width |
1663 | ' and Height properties are ignored. |
1664 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1665 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1666 | ' image is null. |
1667 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImageUnscaled(image As Image, rect As Rectangle) |
1668 | Call Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(image, rect) |
1669 | End Sub |
1670 | ' ' Summary: |
1671 | ' Draws a specified image using its original physical size at a specified location. |
1672 | ' ' Parameters: |
1673 | ' image: |
1674 | ' System.Drawing.Image to draw. |
1675 | ' ' point: |
1676 | ' System.Drawing.Point structure that specifies the upper-left corner of the drawn |
1677 | ' image. |
1678 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1679 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1680 | ' image is null. |
1681 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImageUnscaled(image As Image, point As Point) |
1682 | Call Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(image, point) |
1683 | End Sub |
1684 | |
1685 | ' Exceptions: |
1686 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1687 | ' image is null. |
1688 | ''' <summary> |
1689 | ''' Draws the specified image using its original physical size at the location specified |
1690 | ''' by a coordinate pair. |
1691 | ''' </summary> |
1692 | ''' <param name="image">System.Drawing.Image to draw.</param> |
1693 | ''' <param name="x">The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the drawn image.</param> |
1694 | ''' <param name="y">The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the drawn image.</param> |
1695 | <MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)> |
1696 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImageUnscaled(image As Image, x As Integer, y As Integer) |
1697 | Call Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(image, x, y) |
1698 | End Sub |
1699 | |
1700 | ''' <summary> |
1701 | ''' Draws a specified image using its original physical size at a specified location. |
1702 | ''' </summary> |
1703 | ''' <param name="image"><see cref="Image"/> to draw.</param> |
1704 | ''' <param name="x">The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the drawn image.</param> |
1705 | ''' <param name="y">The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the drawn image.</param> |
1706 | ''' <param name="width"></param> |
1707 | ''' <param name="height"></param> |
1708 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImageUnscaled(image As Image, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer) |
1709 | Call Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(image, x, y, width, height) |
1710 | End Sub |
1711 | |
1712 | ''' <summary> |
1713 | ''' Draws the specified image without scaling and clips it, if necessary, to fit |
1714 | ''' in the specified rectangle. |
1715 | ''' </summary> |
1716 | ''' <param name="image">The <see cref="Image"/> to draw.</param> |
1717 | ''' <param name="rect">The <see cref="Rectangle"/> in which to draw the image.</param> |
1718 | Public Overrides Sub DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(image As Image, rect As Rectangle) |
1719 | Call Graphics.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(image, rect) |
1720 | End Sub |
1721 | |
1722 | ''' <summary> |
1723 | ''' Draws a line connecting two <see cref="Point"/> structures. |
1724 | ''' </summary> |
1725 | ''' <param name="pen"><see cref="Pen"/> that determines the color, width, and style of the line.</param> |
1726 | ''' <param name="pt1"><see cref="Point"/> structure that represents the first point to connect.</param> |
1727 | ''' <param name="pt2"><see cref="Point"/> structure that represents the second point to connect.</param> |
1728 | <MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)> |
1729 | Public Overrides Sub DrawLine(pen As Pen, pt1 As Point, pt2 As Point) |
1730 | Call Graphics.DrawLine(pen, pt1, pt2) |
1731 | End Sub |
1732 | ' ' Summary: |
1733 | ' Draws a line connecting two System.Drawing.PointF structures. |
1734 | ' ' Parameters: |
1735 | ' pen: |
1736 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the line. |
1737 | ' ' pt1: |
1738 | ' System.Drawing.PointF structure that represents the first point to connect. |
1739 | ' ' pt2: |
1740 | ' System.Drawing.PointF structure that represents the second point to connect. |
1741 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1742 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1743 | ' pen is null. |
1744 | Public Overrides Sub DrawLine(pen As Pen, pt1 As PointF, pt2 As PointF) |
1745 | Call Graphics.DrawLine(pen, pt1, pt2) |
1746 | End Sub |
1747 | ' ' Summary: |
1748 | ' Draws a line connecting the two points specified by the coordinate pairs. |
1749 | ' ' Parameters: |
1750 | ' pen: |
1751 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the line. |
1752 | ' ' x1: |
1753 | ' The x-coordinate of the first point. |
1754 | ' ' y1: |
1755 | ' The y-coordinate of the first point. |
1756 | ' ' x2: |
1757 | ' The x-coordinate of the second point. |
1758 | ' ' y2: |
1759 | ' The y-coordinate of the second point. |
1760 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1761 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1762 | ' pen is null. |
1763 | Public Overrides Sub DrawLine(pen As Pen, x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer, x2 As Integer, y2 As Integer) |
1764 | Call Graphics.DrawLine(pen, x1, y1, x2, y2) |
1765 | End Sub |
1766 | ' ' Summary: |
1767 | ' Draws a line connecting the two points specified by the coordinate pairs. |
1768 | ' ' Parameters: |
1769 | ' pen: |
1770 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the line. |
1771 | ' ' x1: |
1772 | ' The x-coordinate of the first point. |
1773 | ' ' y1: |
1774 | ' The y-coordinate of the first point. |
1775 | ' ' x2: |
1776 | ' The x-coordinate of the second point. |
1777 | ' ' y2: |
1778 | ' The y-coordinate of the second point. |
1779 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1780 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1781 | ' pen is null. |
1782 | Public Overrides Sub DrawLine(pen As Pen, x1 As Single, y1 As Single, x2 As Single, y2 As Single) |
1783 | Call Graphics.DrawLine(pen, x1, y1, x2, y2) |
1784 | End Sub |
1785 | ' ' Summary: |
1786 | ' Draws a series of line segments that connect an array of System.Drawing.Point |
1787 | ' structures. |
1788 | ' ' Parameters: |
1789 | ' pen: |
1790 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the line segments. |
1791 | ' ' points: |
1792 | ' Array of System.Drawing.Point structures that represent the points to connect. |
1793 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1794 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1795 | ' pen is null.-or-points is null. |
1796 | Public Overrides Sub DrawLines(pen As Pen, points() As Point) |
1797 | Call Graphics.DrawLines(pen, points) |
1798 | End Sub |
1799 | ' ' Summary: |
1800 | ' Draws a series of line segments that connect an array of System.Drawing.PointF |
1801 | ' structures. |
1802 | ' ' Parameters: |
1803 | ' pen: |
1804 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the line segments. |
1805 | ' ' points: |
1806 | ' Array of System.Drawing.PointF structures that represent the points to connect. |
1807 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1808 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1809 | ' pen is null.-or-points is null. |
1810 | Public Overrides Sub DrawLines(pen As Pen, points() As PointF) |
1811 | Call Graphics.DrawLines(pen, points) |
1812 | End Sub |
1813 | ' ' Summary: |
1814 | ' Draws a System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath. |
1815 | ' ' Parameters: |
1816 | ' pen: |
1817 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the path. |
1818 | ' ' path: |
1819 | ' System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath to draw. |
1820 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1821 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1822 | ' pen is null.-or-path is null. |
1823 | Public Overrides Sub DrawPath(pen As Pen, path As GraphicsPath) |
1824 | Call Graphics.DrawPath(pen, path) |
1825 | End Sub |
1826 | ' ' Summary: |
1827 | ' Draws a pie shape defined by an ellipse specified by a System.Drawing.Rectangle |
1828 | ' structure and two radial lines. |
1829 | ' ' Parameters: |
1830 | ' pen: |
1831 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the pie shape. |
1832 | ' ' rect: |
1833 | ' System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that represents the bounding rectangle that |
1834 | ' defines the ellipse from which the pie shape comes. |
1835 | ' ' startAngle: |
1836 | ' Angle measured in degrees clockwise from the x-axis to the first side of the |
1837 | ' pie shape. |
1838 | ' ' sweepAngle: |
1839 | ' Angle measured in degrees clockwise from the startAngle parameter to the second |
1840 | ' side of the pie shape. |
1841 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1842 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1843 | ' pen is null. |
1844 | Public Overrides Sub DrawPie(pen As Pen, rect As Rectangle, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) |
1845 | Call Graphics.DrawPie(pen, rect, startAngle, sweepAngle) |
1846 | End Sub |
1847 | ' ' Summary: |
1848 | ' Draws a pie shape defined by an ellipse specified by a System.Drawing.RectangleF |
1849 | ' structure and two radial lines. |
1850 | ' ' Parameters: |
1851 | ' pen: |
1852 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the pie shape. |
1853 | ' ' rect: |
1854 | ' System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that represents the bounding rectangle that |
1855 | ' defines the ellipse from which the pie shape comes. |
1856 | ' ' startAngle: |
1857 | ' Angle measured in degrees clockwise from the x-axis to the first side of the |
1858 | ' pie shape. |
1859 | ' ' sweepAngle: |
1860 | ' Angle measured in degrees clockwise from the startAngle parameter to the second |
1861 | ' side of the pie shape. |
1862 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1863 | ' T:System.ArgumentNullException: |
1864 | ' pen is null. |
1865 | Public Overrides Sub DrawPie(pen As Pen, rect As RectangleF, startAngle As Single, sweepAngle As Single) |
1866 | Call Graphics.DrawPie(pen, rect, startAngle, sweepAngle) |
1867 | End Sub |
1868 | ' ' Summary: |
1869 | ' Draws a pie shape defined by an ellipse specified by a coordinate pair, a width, |
1870 | ' a height, and two radial lines. |
1871 | ' ' Parameters: |
1872 | ' pen: |
1873 | ' System.Drawing.Pen that determines the color, width, and style of the pie shape. |
1874 | ' ' x: |
1875 | ' The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the bounding rectangle that defines |
1876 | ' the ellipse from which the pie shape comes. |
1877 | ' ' y: |
1878 | ' The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the bounding rectangle that defines |
1879 | ' the ellipse from which the pie shape comes. |
1880 | ' ' width: |
1881 | ' Width of the bounding rectangle that defines the ellipse from which the pie shape |
1882 | ' comes. |
1883 | ' ' height: |
1884 | ' Height of the bounding rectangle that defines the ellipse from which the pie |
1885 | ' shape comes. |
1886 | ' ' startAngle: |
1887 | ' Angle measured in degrees clockwise from the x-axis to the first side of the |
1888 | ' pie shape. |
1889 | ' ' sweepAngle: |
1890 | ' Angle measured in degrees clockwise from the startAngle parameter to the second |
1891 | ' side of the pie shape. |
1892 | ' ' Exceptions: |
1893 |