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#Region "Microsoft.VisualBasic::c98a6d2ecf50a86ffcf021ff4e65ef22, Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core\Extensions\Image\Colors\ColorCube.vb"
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#End Region
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Imports System.Drawing
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Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
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Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.Reflection
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Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Language
49 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Scripting.MetaData
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Imports sys = System.Math
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Namespace Imaging
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Publisher:="Reed Kimble",
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Description:="Sometimes when you are designing a form, or creating some other kind of visual output, you
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<br />
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While any number of complex code solutions could be created to attempt to address this problem, if we think of the RGB color space spatially, we can construct a three-dimensional cube which represents all possible colors and can easily be traversed mathematically.",
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Public Module ColorCube
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Public Function Compare(source As Color, target As Color) As Integer
79 |
Dim delta1 As Double = GetDistance(Color.Black, source)
80 |
Dim delta2 As Double = GetDistance(Color.Black, target)
81 |
Return delta1.CompareTo(delta2)
82 |
End Function
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85 |
Returns an integer between 0 and 255 indicating the perceived brightness of the color.
86 |
87 |
<param name="target">A System.Drawing.Color instance.</param>
88 |
<returns>An integer indicating the brightness with 0 being dark and 255 being bright.</returns>
89 |
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Formula found using web search at:
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http://www.nbdtech.com/Blog/archive/2008/04/27/Calculating-the-Perceived-Brightness-of-a-Color.aspx This link is external to TechNet Wiki. It will open in a new window.
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with reference to : http://alienryderflex.com/hsp.html This link is external to TechNet Wiki. It will open in a new window.
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Effectively the same as measuring a color
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Public Function GetBrightness(target As Color) As Integer
99 |
Return CInt(sys.Sqrt(0.241 * target.R ^ 2 + 0.691 * target.G ^ 2 + 0.068 * target.B ^ 2))
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End Function
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Gets a color from within the cube starting at the origin and moving a given distance in the specified direction.
104 |
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<param name="azimuth">The side-to-side angle in degrees; 0 points toward red and 90 points toward blue.</param>
106 |
<param name="elevation">The top-to-bottom angle in degrees; 0 is no green and 90 points toward full green.</param>
107 |
<param name="distance">The distance to travel within the cube; 500 is max.</param>
108 |
<returns>The color within the cube at the given distance in the specified direction.</returns>
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Public Function GetColorFrom(azimuth As Integer, elevation As Integer, distance As Integer) As Color
113 |
Return GetColorFrom(Color.Black, azimuth, elevation, distance)
114 |
End Function
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Value must be between 0 and 90.
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119 |
Const InvalidRange$ = "Value must be between 0 and 90."
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Gets a color from within the cube starting at the specified location and moving a given distance in the specified direction.
123 |
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<param name="source">The source location within the cube from which to start moving.</param>
125 |
<param name="azimuth">The side-to-side angle in degrees; 0 points toward red and 90 points toward blue.</param>
126 |
<param name="elevation">The top-to-bottom angle in degrees; 0 is no green and 90 points toward full green.</param>
127 |
<param name="distance">The distance to travel within the cube; the approximate distance from black to white is 500.</param>
128 |
<returns>The color within the cube at the given distance in the specified direction.</returns>
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Public Function GetColorFrom(source As Color, azimuth As Double, elevation As Double, distance As Double, Optional isRadians As Boolean = False, Optional alpha% = 255) As Color
133 |
If azimuth < 0 OrElse azimuth > 90 Then
134 |
Throw New ArgumentException("azimuth", InvalidRange)
135 |
End If
136 |
If elevation < 0 OrElse elevation > 90 Then
137 |
Throw New ArgumentException("elevation", InvalidRange)
138 |
End If
139 |
140 |
Dim a, e, r, g, b As Double
141 |
142 |
If isRadians Then
143 |
a = azimuth
144 |
e = elevation
145 |
146 |
a = DegreesToRadians(azimuth)
147 |
e = DegreesToRadians(elevation)
148 |
End If
149 |
150 |
r = distance * sys.Cos(a) * sys.Cos(e)
151 |
b = distance * sys.Sin(a) * sys.Cos(e)
152 |
g = distance * sys.Sin(e)
153 |
154 |
If Double.IsNaN(r) Then r = 0
155 |
If Double.IsNaN(g) Then g = 0
156 |
If Double.IsNaN(b) Then b = 0
157 |
158 |
Return Color.FromArgb(
159 |
160 |
sys.Max(sys.Min(source.R + r, 255), 0),
161 |
sys.Max(sys.Min(source.G + g, 255), 0),
162 |
sys.Max(sys.Min(source.B + b, 255), 0))
163 |
End Function
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166 |
Creates an array of colors from a selection within a sphere around the specified color.
167 |
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<param name="target">The color to select around.</param>
169 |
<param name="distance">The radius of the selection sphere.</param>
170 |
<param name="increment">The increment within the sphere at which a selection is taken; larger numbers result in smaller selection sets.</param>
171 |
<returns>An array of colors located around the specified color within the cube.</returns>
172 |
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Public Function GetColorsAround(target As Color, distance As Integer, increment As Integer) As Color()
176 |
Dim result As New List(Of Color)
177 |
For a As Integer = 0 To 359 Step increment
178 |
For e As Integer = 0 To 359 Step increment
179 |
Dim c As Color = GetColorFrom(target, a, e, distance)
180 |
If Not result.Contains(c) Then
181 |
182 |
End If
183 |
184 |
185 |
result.Sort(AddressOf Compare)
186 |
Return result.ToArray
187 |
End Function
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Creates an array of colors in a gradient sequence between two specified colors.
191 |
192 |
<param name="source">The starting color in the sequence.</param>
193 |
<param name="target">The end color in the sequence.</param>
194 |
<param name="increment">The increment between colors.</param>
195 |
<returns>A gradient array of colors.</returns>
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Public Function GetColorSequence(source As Color, target As Color, increment As Integer, Optional alpha% = 255) As Color()
200 |
Dim a As Double = GetAzimuthTo(source, target)
201 |
Dim e As Double = GetElevationTo(source, target)
202 |
Dim d As Double = GetDistance(source, target)
203 |
Dim result As New List(Of Color)
204 |
205 |
For i As Integer = 0 To d Step increment
206 |
result += GetColorFrom(
207 |
208 |
a, e, i,
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210 |
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213 |
Return result.ToArray
214 |
End Function
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217 |
Creates a rainbow array of colors by selecting from the edges of the cube in ROYGBIV order at the specified increment.
218 |
219 |
<param name="increment">The increment along the edges at which a selection is taken; larger numbers result in smaller selection sets.</param>
220 |
<returns>An array of colors in ROYGBIV order at the given increment.</returns>
221 |
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Public Function GetColorSpectrum(increment As Integer) As Color()
225 |
Dim result As New List(Of Color)
226 |
Dim rgb(2) As Integer
227 |
Dim idx As Integer = 1
228 |
Dim inc As Integer = increment
229 |
Dim cmp As Func(Of Integer, Integer, Boolean)
230 |
231 |
rgb(0) = 255
232 |
cmp = AddressOf CompareLess
233 |
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result.Add(Color.FromArgb(rgb(0), rgb(1), rgb(2)))
235 |
If cmp(rgb(idx), inc) Then
236 |
rgb(idx) += inc
237 |
238 |
Select Case idx
239 |
Case 1
240 |
If rgb(2) < 255 Then
241 |
rgb(idx) = 255
242 |
idx = 0
243 |
cmp = AddressOf CompareGreater
244 |
245 |
rgb(idx) = 0
246 |
idx = 0
247 |
cmp = AddressOf CompareLess
248 |
End If
249 |
Case 2
250 |
rgb(idx) = 255
251 |
idx = 1
252 |
cmp = AddressOf CompareGreater
253 |
Case 0
254 |
If rgb(2) < 255 Then
255 |
rgb(idx) = 0
256 |
idx = 2
257 |
cmp = AddressOf CompareLess
258 |
259 |
rgb(idx) = 255
260 |
Exit Do
261 |
End If
262 |
End Select
263 |
inc *= -1
264 |
End If
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result.Add(Color.FromArgb(rgb(0), rgb(1), rgb(2)))
267 |
Return result.ToArray
268 |
End Function
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Gets the distance between two colors within the cube.
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<param name="source">The source color in the cube.</param>
274 |
<param name="target">The target color in the cube.</param>
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<returns>The distance between the source and target colors.</returns>
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Public Function GetDistance(source As Color, target As Color) As Double
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Dim squareR As Double = CDbl(target.R) - CDbl(source.R)
281 |
squareR *= squareR
282 |
Dim squareG As Double = CDbl(target.G) - CDbl(source.G)
283 |
squareG *= squareG
284 |
Dim squareB As Double = CDbl(target.B) - CDbl(source.B)
285 |
squareB *= squareB
286 |
Return System.Math.Sqrt(squareR + squareG + squareB)
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End Function
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Public Function CompareLess(value As Integer, inc As Integer) As Boolean
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Return value < 255 - sys.Abs(inc)
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End Function
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Public Function CompareGreater(value As Integer, inc As Integer) As Boolean
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Return value > 0 + sys.Abs(inc)
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End Function
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Public Function DegreesToRadians(degrees As Double) As Double
301 |
Return degrees * (Math.PI / 180.0)
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End Function
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Public Function RadiansToDegrees(radians As Double) As Double
306 |
Return CSng(radians * (180.0 / sys.PI))
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End Function
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Public Function GetAzimuthTo(source As Color, target As Color) As Double
311 |
Return WrapAngle(sys.Atan2(CDbl(target.B) - CDbl(source.B), CDbl(target.R) - CDbl(source.R)))
312 |
End Function
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Public Function GetElevationTo(source As Color, target As Color) As Double
316 |
Return WrapAngle(sys.Atan2(CDbl(target.G) - CDbl(source.G), 255))
317 |
End Function
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Public Function WrapAngle(radians As Double) As Double
321 |
While radians < -Math.PI
322 |
radians += sys.PI * 2
323 |
End While
324 |
While radians > sys.PI
325 |
radians -= sys.PI * 2
326 |
End While
327 |
Return radians
328 |
End Function
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End Module
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End Namespace