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#Region "Microsoft.VisualBasic::69ea48bcfccd3737ab9c2660a4589dd6, Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core\Extensions\IO\Path\ProgramPathSearchTool.vb"
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#End Region
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Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
48 |
Imports System.ComponentModel
49 |
Imports System.IO
50 |
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
51 |
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
52 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.Reflection
53 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Language
54 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Language.Default
55 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Language.UnixBash
56 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Linq
57 |
Imports ENV = System.Environment
58 |
Imports r = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex
59 |
60 |
Namespace FileIO.Path
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Public Class ProgramPathSearchTool
69 |
70 |
ReadOnly Environments As New List(Of String) From {"ProgramFiles(x86)", "ProgramFiles"}
71 |
72 |
Const VERSION As String = "[-_`~.]\d+(\.\d+)*"
73 |
Const TopDirectory As SearchOption = SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly
74 |
75 |
Public ReadOnly Property Directories As IReadOnlyCollection(Of String)
76 |
77 |
78 |
Return Environments _
79 |
.Select(Function(var) ENV.GetEnvironmentVariable(var)) _
80 |
.Join(CustomDirectories.SafeQuery) _
81 |
82 |
Return (Not dir.StringEmpty) AndAlso dir.DirectoryExists
83 |
End Function) _
84 |
85 |
End Get
86 |
End Property
87 |
88 |
Public Property CustomDirectories As String()
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 |
Sub New(ParamArray ENV$())
97 |
Environments += ENV
98 |
End Sub
99 |
100 |
Public Iterator Function FindScript(keyword$, Optional withExtension$ = Nothing) As IEnumerable(Of String)
101 |
For Each dir As String In Directories
102 |
For Each file As String In SearchScriptFile(dir, keyword, withExtension)
103 |
Yield file
104 |
105 |
106 |
End Function
107 |
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113 |
114 |
Public Iterator Function FindProgram(keyword$, Optional includeDll As Boolean = True) As IEnumerable(Of String)
115 |
For Each dir As String In Directories
116 |
For Each file As String In SearchProgram(dir, keyword, includeDll)
117 |
Yield file
118 |
119 |
For Each file As String In SearchProgram($"{dir}/{keyword}", keyword, includeDll)
120 |
Yield file
121 |
122 |
123 |
End Function
124 |
125 |
#Region "Search Implementation Internal"
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Private Shared Function BranchRule(programFiles$, keyword$) As IEnumerable(Of String)
135 |
Dim programFilesDirectories = FileSystem.GetDirectories(programFiles, TopDirectory, keyword)
136 |
Dim fsObjs As New List(Of String)
137 |
138 |
For Each dir As String In programFilesDirectories
139 |
fsObjs += FileSystem.GetDirectories(dir, TopDirectory)
140 |
141 |
142 |
Call fsObjs.Add(programFilesDirectories.ToArray)
143 |
144 |
If fsObjs = 0 Then
145 |
146 |
Dim dirs = FileSystem.GetDirectories(programFiles, TopDirectory)
147 |
Dim version As String = keyword & ProgramPathSearchTool.VERSION
148 |
Dim patterns$() = LinqAPI.Exec(Of String) _
149 |
150 |
() <= From DIR As String
151 |
In dirs
152 |
Let name As String = FileSystem.GetDirectoryInfo(DIR).Name
153 |
Let match = r.Match(name, version, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
154 |
Where match.Success
155 |
Select DIR
156 |
157 |
Call fsObjs.Add(patterns)
158 |
End If
159 |
160 |
Return fsObjs
161 |
End Function
162 |
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172 |
<ExportAPI("Search.Scripts", Info:="Search for the path of a script file with a specific extension name.")>
173 |
Public Shared Function SearchScriptFile(dir$, keyword$, Optional withExtension$ = Nothing) As IEnumerable(Of String)
174 |
Dim scriptFileNameRule$ = $"*{keyword}*{withExtension}"
175 |
Dim extNameAssert As Assert(Of String)
176 |
177 |
If withExtension.StringEmpty Then
178 |
extNameAssert = Function(path) path.ExtensionSuffix.StringEmpty
179 |
180 |
extNameAssert = Function(path) True
181 |
End If
182 |
183 |
Return searchImpl(dir, {scriptFileNameRule}).Where(Function(file) extNameAssert(file))
184 |
End Function
185 |
186 |
Private Shared Function safeGetFiles(dir$, rules$()) As IEnumerable(Of String)
187 |
If dir.DirectoryExists Then
188 |
Return FileSystem.GetFiles(dir, TopDirectory, rules)
189 |
190 |
Return {}
191 |
End If
192 |
End Function
193 |
194 |
Private Shared Iterator Function searchImpl(dir$, rules$()) As IEnumerable(Of String)
195 |
Dim files As IEnumerable(Of String) = safeGetFiles(dir, rules)
196 |
Dim binDIR As String = $"{dir}/bin/"
197 |
Dim programDIR As String = $"{dir}/Program"
198 |
Dim scriptsDIR As String = $"{dir}/scripts"
199 |
200 |
For Each folder As String In {binDIR, programDIR, scriptsDIR}
201 |
If FileSystem.DirectoryExists(folder) Then
202 |
For Each file As String In ls - l - rules <= folder
203 |
Yield file
204 |
205 |
End If
206 |
207 |
208 |
For Each file As String In files
209 |
Yield file
210 |
211 |
End Function
212 |
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221 |
<Description("Search for the directories which its name was matched the keyword pattern.")>
222 |
Public Shared Iterator Function SearchDirectory(keyword$, Optional specificDrive$ = Nothing) As IEnumerable(Of String)
223 |
Dim drives As ReadOnlyCollection(Of DriveInfo)
224 |
225 |
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(specificDrive) Then
226 |
drives = FileSystem.Drives
227 |
228 |
drives = New ReadOnlyCollection(Of DriveInfo)({FileSystem.GetDriveInfo(specificDrive)})
229 |
End If
230 |
231 |
For Each drive As DriveInfo In drives
232 |
For Each dir As String In SearchDrive(drive, keyword)
233 |
Yield dir
234 |
235 |
236 |
End Function
237 |
238 |
Private Shared Function SearchDrive(drive As DriveInfo, keyword As String) As String()
239 |
If Not drive.IsReady Then
240 |
Return New String() {}
241 |
End If
242 |
243 |
Dim driveName$ = drive.RootDirectory.FullName
244 |
Dim driveRoot = FileSystem.GetDirectories(driveName, SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly, keyword)
245 |
Dim files As New List(Of String)
246 |
Dim ProgramFiles As String = String.Format("{0}/Program Files", drive.RootDirectory.FullName)
247 |
248 |
If FileSystem.DirectoryExists(ProgramFiles) Then
249 |
Call files.AddRange(BranchRule(ProgramFiles, keyword))
250 |
End If
251 |
252 |
Dim ProgramFilesX86 = String.Format("{0}/Program Files(x86)", drive.RootDirectory.FullName)
253 |
254 |
If FileSystem.DirectoryExists(ProgramFilesX86) Then
255 |
Call files.AddRange(BranchRule(ProgramFilesX86, keyword))
256 |
End If
257 |
258 |
Call files.AddRange(driveRoot)
259 |
Call files.AddRange(driveRoot.Select(Function(rootDir) BranchRule(rootDir, keyword)).Unlist)
260 |
261 |
Return files.ToArray
262 |
End Function
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<Description("Invoke the search session for the program file using a specific keyword string value.")>
274 |
Public Shared Function SearchProgram(dir$, keyword$, Optional includeDll As Boolean = True) As IEnumerable(Of String)
275 |
Dim exeNameRule As String = $"*{keyword}*.exe"
276 |
Dim dllNameRule As String = $"*{keyword}*.dll"
277 |
Dim rules$()
278 |
279 |
If includeDll Then
280 |
rules = {exeNameRule, dllNameRule}
281 |
282 |
rules = {exeNameRule}
283 |
End If
284 |
285 |
Return searchImpl(dir, rules)
286 |
End Function
287 |
#End Region
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End Class
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End Namespace