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#Region "Microsoft.VisualBasic::72933a1ce9775286b307aff703eddfa1, Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core\Extensions\CodeDOM\References.vb"
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#End Region
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Imports System.Reflection
50 |
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
51 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Language
52 |
53 |
Namespace Emit.CodeDOM_VBC
54 |
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Public Module ReferenceSolver
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64 |
Public ReadOnly Property ExecutingReferences As String()
65 |
66 |
Sub New()
67 |
Dim assm As Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly
68 |
Dim main As MethodInfo = assm.EntryPoint
69 |
70 |
With main.DeclaringType
71 |
ReferenceSolver.ExecutingReferences = .GetReferences
72 |
End With
73 |
End Sub
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Public Function GetReferences(Type As Type) As String()
83 |
Dim assembly = Type.Assembly
84 |
Return GetReferences(assembly, False)
85 |
End Function
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |
90 |
<param name="assembly"></param>
91 |
<param name="i"></param>
92 |
<param name="refList"></param>
93 |
<param name="fullNames">防止重复加载</param>
94 |
95 |
Private Sub __getReferences(assembly As Assembly, i As Integer, ByRef refList As List(Of String), fullNames As List(Of String))
96 |
Dim myRefs As AssemblyName() = assembly _
97 |
.GetReferencedAssemblies _
98 |
.Where(Function(a) Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(a.FullName) AndAlso
99 |
fullNames.IndexOf(a.FullName) = -1) _
100 |
101 |
Dim tmp As List(Of String) = refList
102 |
103 |
Call fullNames.AddRange(myRefs.Select(Function(a) a.FullName))
104 |
Call refList.Add(assembly.Location)
105 |
106 |
i += 1
107 |
108 |
Dim LQuery = LinqAPI.MakeList(Of String) <=
109 |
110 |
From ref As AssemblyName
111 |
In myRefs
112 |
Let entry = ref.FullName
113 |
Select refListValue =
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 |
119 |
120 |
Call refList.AddRange(LQuery.AsEnumerable)
121 |
End Sub
122 |
123 |
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126 |
<param name="assembly"></param>
127 |
<param name="removeSystem">是否移除系统引用</param>
128 |
129 |
Public Function GetReferences(assembly As Assembly, removeSystem As Boolean, Optional strict As Boolean = True) As String()
130 |
Dim refList As New List(Of String)
131 |
132 |
assembly.__getReferences(0, refList, fullNames:=New List(Of String))
133 |
refList += From ref As AssemblyName
134 |
In GetType(App).Assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies
135 |
Let ass As Assembly =
136 |
137 |
Select ass.Location
138 |
refList = refList.Distinct.AsList
139 |
140 |
If removeSystem Then
141 |
refList = LinqAPI.MakeList(Of String) <=
142 |
143 |
From path As String
144 |
In refList
145 |
Where Not IsSystemAssembly(path, strict)
146 |
Select path
147 |
148 |
End If
149 |
150 |
Return refList.ToArray
151 |
End Function
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
<param name="url"></param>
157 |
<param name="strict"></param>
158 |
159 |
Public Function IsSystemAssembly(url As String, strict As Boolean) As Boolean
160 |
Dim assemblyDir As String = FileIO.FileSystem.GetDirectoryInfo(FileIO.FileSystem.GetParentPath(url)).FullName.Replace("/", "\")
161 |
162 |
If Not assemblyDir.Last = "\" Then
163 |
assemblyDir &= "\"
164 |
End If
165 |
166 |
If String.Equals(RunTimeDirectory, assemblyDir) OrElse
167 |
assemblyDir.StartsWith("C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) OrElse
168 |
assemblyDir.StartsWith("C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) OrElse
169 |
assemblyDir.StartsWith("C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
170 |
171 |
If strict Then
172 |
Return True
173 |
174 |
Dim Name As String = basename(url)
175 |
If String.Equals(Name, "mscorlib") OrElse String.Equals(Name, "System") OrElse Name.StartsWith("System.") Then
176 |
Return True
177 |
End If
178 |
End If
179 |
End If
180 |
181 |
Return False
182 |
End Function
183 |
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
<param name="url">+特殊符号存在于这个字符串之中的话,函数会出错</param>
188 |
<param name="i"></param>
189 |
190 |
Private Function getReferences(url As String, i As Integer, ByRef refList As List(Of String), fullNames As List(Of String)) As String()
191 |
Dim assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(url)
192 |
193 |
If IsSystemAssembly(assembly.Location, True) OrElse refList.IndexOf(assembly.Location) > -1 Then
194 |
Return New String() {}
195 |
196 |
#If DEBUG Then
197 |
Call $"{New String(" "c, i)}{assembly.Location}".__DEBUG_ECHO
198 |
#End If
199 |
Call refList.Add(assembly.Location)
200 |
End If
201 |
202 |
Call __getReferences(assembly, i:=i + 1, refList:=refList, fullNames:=fullNames)
203 |
204 |
Return refList.ToArray
205 |
End Function
206 |
207 |
Public ReadOnly Property RunTimeDirectory As String = App.RunTimeDirectory
208 |
End Module
209 |
End Namespace