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#Region "Microsoft.VisualBasic::68b048fd5e6efadf7dd7cf304d168f50, Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core\ComponentModel\System.Collections.Generic\BucketDictionary.vb"
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#End Region
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Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
51 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Language
52 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Linq
53 |
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Namespace ComponentModel.Collection
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Public Class BucketDictionary(Of K, V) : Implements IReadOnlyDictionary(Of K, V)
63 |
64 |
Friend ReadOnly __buckets As New List(Of Dictionary(Of K, V))
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 |
ReadOnly bucketSize As Integer
69 |
70 |
Sub New(bucketSize As Integer)
71 |
Me.bucketSize = bucketSize
72 |
End Sub
73 |
74 |
Sub New()
75 |
Call Me.New(Short.MaxValue * 10)
76 |
End Sub
77 |
78 |
Sub New(buckets As IEnumerable(Of Dictionary(Of K, V)))
79 |
__buckets = buckets.AsList
80 |
End Sub
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86 |
Public ReadOnly Property Count As Integer Implements IReadOnlyCollection(Of KeyValuePair(Of K, V)).Count
87 |
88 |
89 |
Return __buckets.Sum(Function(x) x.Count)
90 |
End Get
91 |
End Property
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Default Public Property Item(key As K) As V Implements IReadOnlyDictionary(Of K, V).Item
99 |
100 |
For Each hash In __buckets
101 |
If hash.ContainsKey(key) Then
102 |
Return hash(key)
103 |
End If
104 |
105 |
106 |
Return Nothing
107 |
End Get
108 |
Set(value As V)
109 |
If __buckets.Count = 0 Then
110 |
Call __buckets.Add(New Dictionary(Of K, V) From {{key, value}})
111 |
112 |
For Each hash In __buckets
113 |
If hash.ContainsKey(key) Then
114 |
hash(key) = value
115 |
116 |
End If
117 |
118 |
119 |
Dim min = LinqAPI.DefaultFirst(Of Dictionary(Of K, V)) _
120 |
121 |
() <= From x As Dictionary(Of K, V)
122 |
In __buckets
123 |
Select x
124 |
Order By x.Count Ascending
125 |
126 |
min(key) = value
127 |
128 |
If min.Count >= bucketSize Then
129 |
Call __buckets.Add(New Dictionary(Of K, V))
130 |
End If
131 |
End If
132 |
End Set
133 |
End Property
134 |
135 |
Public ReadOnly Property Keys As IEnumerable(Of K) Implements IReadOnlyDictionary(Of K, V).Keys
136 |
137 |
138 |
Return __buckets.Select(Function(x) x.Keys).IteratesALL
139 |
End Get
140 |
End Property
141 |
142 |
Public ReadOnly Property Values As IEnumerable(Of V) Implements IReadOnlyDictionary(Of K, V).Values
143 |
144 |
145 |
Return __buckets.Select(Function(x) x.Values).IteratesALL
146 |
End Get
147 |
End Property
148 |
149 |
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
150 |
Return $"Tuple of [{GetType(K).Name}, {GetType(V).Name}] with {__buckets.Count} buckets."
151 |
End Function
152 |
153 |
Public Function ContainsKey(key As K) As Boolean Implements IReadOnlyDictionary(Of K, V).ContainsKey
154 |
For Each hash In __buckets
155 |
If hash.ContainsKey(key) Then
156 |
Return True
157 |
End If
158 |
159 |
160 |
Return False
161 |
End Function
162 |
163 |
Public Iterator Function GetEnumerator() As IEnumerator(Of KeyValuePair(Of K, V)) Implements IEnumerable(Of KeyValuePair(Of K, V)).GetEnumerator
164 |
For Each hash In __buckets
165 |
For Each x In hash
166 |
Yield x
167 |
168 |
169 |
End Function
170 |
171 |
Public Function TryGetValue(key As K, ByRef value As V) As Boolean Implements IReadOnlyDictionary(Of K, V).TryGetValue
172 |
For Each hash In __buckets
173 |
If hash.ContainsKey(key) Then
174 |
value = hash(key)
175 |
Return True
176 |
End If
177 |
178 |
179 |
Return False
180 |
End Function
181 |
182 |
Private Iterator Function IEnumerable_GetEnumerator() As IEnumerator Implements IEnumerable.GetEnumerator
183 |
Yield GetEnumerator()
184 |
End Function
185 |
End Class
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Public Module BucketDictionaryExtensions
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Public Function CreateBuckets(Of T, K, V)(source As IEnumerable(Of T), getKey As Func(Of T, K), getValue As Func(Of T, V), Optional size% = Short.MaxValue * 10) As BucketDictionary(Of K, V)
191 |
Dim table As New BucketDictionary(Of K, V)(size)
192 |
Dim bucket As New Dictionary(Of K, V)
193 |
194 |
For Each x As T In source
195 |
Dim key As K = getKey(x)
196 |
Dim value As V = getValue(x)
197 |
198 |
Call bucket.Add(key, value)
199 |
200 |
If bucket.Count >= size Then
201 |
202 |
bucket = New Dictionary(Of K, V)
203 |
End If
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Return table
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End Function
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Public Function CreateBuckets(Of K, V)(source As IEnumerable(Of (K, V)), Optional size% = Short.MaxValue * 10) As BucketDictionary(Of K, V)
214 |
Return source.CreateBuckets(Function(t) t.Item1, Function(t) t.Item2, size:=size)
215 |
End Function
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End Module
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End Namespace