1 | #Region "Microsoft.VisualBasic::1191aafe24fd3adee16dc6d13a2c7265, Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core\ApplicationServices\Terminal\Utility\ManualPages.vb" |
2 | |
3 | ' Author: |
4 | ' |
5 | ' asuka (amethyst.asuka@gcmodeller.org) |
6 | ' xie (genetics@smrucc.org) |
7 | ' xieguigang (xie.guigang@live.com) |
8 | ' |
9 | ' Copyright (c) 2018 GPL3 Licensed |
10 | ' |
11 | ' |
13 | ' |
14 | ' |
15 | ' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
16 | ' it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
17 | ' the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
18 | ' (at your option) any later version. |
19 | ' |
20 | ' This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
21 | ' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
23 | ' GNU General Public License for more details. |
24 | ' |
25 | ' You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
26 | ' along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
27 | |
28 | |
29 | |
30 | ' /********************************************************************************/ |
31 | |
32 | ' Summaries: |
33 | |
34 | ' Class ManualPages |
35 | ' |
36 | ' Constructor: (+2 Overloads) Sub New |
37 | ' |
38 | ' Function: FromFile, ToString |
39 | ' |
40 | ' Sub: (+2 Overloads) Dispose, ShowManual |
41 | ' |
42 | ' Class IndexedManual |
43 | ' |
44 | ' Constructor: (+1 Overloads) Sub New |
45 | ' |
46 | ' Function: __sp |
47 | ' |
48 | ' Sub: PrintPrompted, ShowManual |
49 | ' |
50 | ' |
51 | ' /********************************************************************************/ |
52 | |
53 | #End Region |
54 | |
55 | Namespace Terminal.Utility |
56 | |
57 | Public Class ManualPages : Implements System.IDisposable |
58 | |
59 | Protected _manualData As List(Of String) |
60 | Protected p As Integer |
61 | |
62 | Public Const MANUAL_PAGE_PROMPTED As String = "Press [ENTER] or [DONW_ARROW] to continute the next page, press [Q] or [ESC] to exit manual...." |
63 | |
64 | Sub New(strManual As String) |
65 | Me._manualData = Strings.Split(strManual, vbCr).AsList |
66 | End Sub |
67 | |
68 | Sub New(strManual As IEnumerable(Of String)) |
69 | _manualData = strManual.AsList |
70 | End Sub |
71 | |
72 | Public Overrides Function ToString() As String |
73 | Return _manualData.FirstOrDefault & "....." |
74 | End Function |
75 | |
76 | ''' <summary> |
77 | ''' 使用回车键或者箭头下显示下一行,字母q或者ESC键退出Manual |
78 | ''' </summary> |
79 | ''' <param name="initLines">最开始显示的行数</param> |
80 | ''' <remarks></remarks> |
81 | Public Overridable Sub ShowManual(Optional initLines As Integer = 50, Optional printLines As Integer = 10) |
82 | If initLines >= _manualData.Count - 1 Then |
83 | Call Console.WriteLine(String.Join(vbCrLf, _manualData)) |
84 | Return |
85 | End If |
86 | |
87 | Dim s As String = String.Join(vbCrLf, _manualData.Take(initLines).ToArray) |
88 | Dim PrintPrompted = Sub() |
89 | Call Console.WriteLine(s) |
90 | Call Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & vbCrLf & MANUAL_PAGE_PROMPTED) |
91 | End Sub |
92 | Call PrintPrompted() |
93 | |
94 | p = initLines |
95 | _manualData = _manualData.Skip(initLines).AsList |
96 | |
97 | Do While _manualData.Count > 0 |
98 | Dim c As ConsoleKeyInfo = Console.ReadKey |
99 | |
100 | If c.Key = ConsoleKey.Enter OrElse c.Key = ConsoleKey.DownArrow Then |
101 | p += printLines |
102 | s = String.Join(vbCrLf, _manualData.Take(printLines).ToArray) |
103 | _manualData = _manualData.Skip(printLines).AsList |
104 | |
105 | Console.CursorTop -= 1 |
106 | Call Console.WriteLine(New String(" "c, Console.BufferWidth)) |
107 | Console.CursorTop -= 2 |
108 | Call PrintPrompted() |
109 | ElseIf c.Key = ConsoleKey.Escape OrElse c.Key = ConsoleKey.Q Then |
110 | Call Console.WriteLine() |
111 | Return |
112 | End If |
113 | Loop |
114 | |
115 | Console.CursorTop -= 1 |
116 | Call Console.WriteLine(New String(" "c, Console.BufferWidth)) |
117 | Console.CursorTop -= 2 |
118 | End Sub |
119 | |
120 | ''' <summary> |
121 | ''' 从文本文件之中加载Manual数据 |
122 | ''' </summary> |
123 | ''' <returns></returns> |
124 | ''' <remarks></remarks> |
125 | Public Shared Function FromFile(path As String) As ManualPages |
126 | Return New ManualPages(IO.File.ReadAllLines(path)) |
127 | End Function |
128 | |
129 | #Region "IDisposable Support" |
130 | Private disposedValue As Boolean ' To detect redundant calls |
131 | |
132 | ' IDisposable |
133 | Protected Overridable Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean) |
134 | If Not Me.disposedValue Then |
135 | If disposing Then |
136 | ' TODO: dispose managed state (managed objects). |
137 | End If |
138 | |
139 | ' TODO: free unmanaged resources (unmanaged objects) and override Finalize() below. |
140 | ' TODO: set large fields to null. |
141 | End If |
142 | Me.disposedValue = True |
143 | End Sub |
144 | |
145 | ' TODO: override Finalize() only if Dispose( disposing As Boolean) above has code to free unmanaged resources. |
146 | 'Protected Overrides Sub Finalize() |
147 | ' ' Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose( disposing As Boolean) above. |
148 | ' Dispose(False) |
149 | ' MyBase.Finalize() |
150 | 'End Sub |
151 | |
152 | ' This code added by Visual Basic to correctly implement the disposable pattern. |
153 | Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose |
154 | ' Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(disposing As Boolean) above. |
155 | Dispose(True) |
156 | GC.SuppressFinalize(Me) |
157 | End Sub |
158 | #End Region |
159 | End Class |
160 | |
161 | ''' <summary> |
162 | ''' 有显示标题的 |
163 | ''' </summary> |
164 | Public Class IndexedManual : Inherits ManualPages |
165 | |
166 | Dim Title As String |
167 | |
168 | ''' <summary> |
169 | ''' 与<see cref="ManualPages"></see>所不同的是,本对象之中的这个字符串数组表示的是一页帮助,而不是一行帮助信息 |
170 | ''' </summary> |
171 | ''' <param name="Pages"></param> |
172 | ''' <remarks></remarks> |
173 | Sub New(Pages As IEnumerable(Of String), title$) |
174 | Call MyBase.New(Pages) |
175 | Me.Title = title & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Navigations |
176 | End Sub |
177 | |
178 | Const Navigations As String = "Press [HOME] goto first page and [END] goto last page. [PageUp] for previous page." |
179 | |
180 | ''' <summary> |
181 | ''' 使用[Enter][Down_arrow][pagedown]翻下一页[Up_arrow][Pageup]翻上一页,[q]或者[esc]结束,[home]第一页[end]最后一页 |
182 | ''' </summary> |
183 | ''' <param name="initLines">无用的参数</param> |
184 | ''' <param name="printLines">无用的参数</param> |
185 | ''' <remarks></remarks> |
186 | Public Overrides Sub ShowManual(Optional initLines As Integer = 50, Optional printLines As Integer = 10) |
187 | Dim currentPage As String = _manualData(p) |
188 | Call PrintPrompted(p, initLines, printLines) |
189 | |
190 | Do While p < Me._manualData.Count - 1 |
191 | |
192 | Dim c As ConsoleKeyInfo = Console.ReadKey |
193 | |
194 | If c.Key = ConsoleKey.Enter OrElse |
195 | c.Key = ConsoleKey.DownArrow OrElse |
196 | c.Key = ConsoleKey.PageDown Then |
197 | |
198 | p += 1 |
199 | Call PrintPrompted(p, initLines, printLines) |
200 | |
201 | ElseIf c.Key = ConsoleKey.Escape OrElse |
202 | c.Key = ConsoleKey.Q Then |
203 | Call Console.WriteLine() |
204 | Return |
205 | |
206 | ElseIf c.Key = ConsoleKey.UpArrow OrElse |
207 | c.Key = ConsoleKey.PageUp Then |
208 | If p > 0 Then p -= 1 |
209 | Call PrintPrompted(p, initLines, printLines) |
210 | |
211 | ElseIf c.Key = ConsoleKey.Home Then |
212 | p = 0 |
213 | Call PrintPrompted(p, initLines, printLines) |
214 | |
215 | ElseIf c.Key = ConsoleKey.End Then |
216 | p = _manualData.Count - 1 |
217 | Call PrintPrompted(p, initLines, printLines) |
218 | End If |
219 | Loop |
220 | End Sub |
221 | |
222 | ''' <summary> |
223 | ''' |
224 | ''' </summary> |
225 | ''' <param name="p">Current page index</param> |
226 | Private Sub PrintPrompted(p As Integer, initLines As Integer, printLines As Integer) |
227 | Dim currentPage As String = _manualData(p) |
228 | |
229 | Call Console.Clear() |
230 | Call Console.WriteLine(Title) |
231 | Call Console.WriteLine() |
232 | Call Console.WriteLine(__sp(p, _manualData.Count)) |
233 | Call Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf) |
234 | |
235 | Dim buf As String() = Strings.Split(currentPage, vbCrLf) |
236 | If buf.Length >= 20 Then |
237 | Using Man As ManualPages = New ManualPages(buf) |
238 | Call Man.ShowManual(initLines, printLines) |
239 | End Using |
240 | Else |
241 | Call Console.WriteLine(currentPage) |
242 | End If |
243 | |
244 | If p < _manualData.Count - 1 Then |
245 | Call Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & vbCrLf & MANUAL_PAGE_PROMPTED) |
246 | End If |
247 | End Sub |
248 | |
249 | Private Shared Function __sp(p As Integer, n As Integer) As String |
250 | Return $"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{p + 1}/{n}--" |
251 | End Function |
252 | End Class |
253 | End Namespace |