1 | #Region "Microsoft.VisualBasic::bd03c9ac59d08049b0d08fbef0232c5f, Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core\ApplicationServices\Terminal\Utility\ConsolePasswordInput.vb" |
2 | |
3 | ' Author: |
4 | ' |
5 | ' asuka (amethyst.asuka@gcmodeller.org) |
6 | ' xie (genetics@smrucc.org) |
7 | ' xieguigang (xie.guigang@live.com) |
8 | ' |
9 | ' Copyright (c) 2018 GPL3 Licensed |
10 | ' |
11 | ' |
13 | ' |
14 | ' |
15 | ' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
16 | ' it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
17 | ' the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
18 | ' (at your option) any later version. |
19 | ' |
20 | ' This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
21 | ' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
23 | ' GNU General Public License for more details. |
24 | ' |
25 | ' You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
26 | ' along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
27 | |
28 | |
29 | |
30 | ' /********************************************************************************/ |
31 | |
32 | ' Summaries: |
33 | |
34 | ' Module Constants |
35 | ' |
36 | ' |
37 | ' |
38 | ' Structure uCharUnion |
39 | ' |
40 | ' |
41 | ' |
42 | ' Structure KEY_EVENT_RECORD |
43 | ' |
44 | ' |
45 | ' |
46 | ' Structure COORD |
47 | ' |
48 | ' |
49 | ' |
50 | ' Structure MOUSE_EVENT_RECORD |
51 | ' |
52 | ' |
53 | ' |
55 | ' |
56 | ' |
57 | ' |
58 | ' Structure MENU_EVENT_RECORD |
59 | ' |
60 | ' |
61 | ' |
62 | ' Structure FOCUS_EVENT_RECORD |
63 | ' |
64 | ' |
65 | ' |
66 | ' Structure EventUnion |
67 | ' |
68 | ' |
69 | ' |
70 | ' Structure INPUT_RECORD |
71 | ' |
72 | ' |
73 | ' |
74 | ' Class ConsolePasswordInput |
75 | ' |
76 | ' Function: FlushConsoleInputBuffer, GetConsoleMode, GetLastError, GetStdHandle, ReadConsoleInput |
77 | ' SetConsoleMode, WriteConsole, WriteConsoleOutputCharacter |
78 | ' Delegate Function |
79 | ' |
80 | ' Constructor: (+1 Overloads) Sub New |
81 | ' |
82 | ' Function: FocusEventProc, KeyEventProc, MenuEventProc, MouseEventProc, WindowBufferSizeEventProc |
83 | ' |
84 | ' Sub: PasswordInput |
85 | ' |
86 | ' |
87 | ' |
88 | ' /********************************************************************************/ |
89 | |
90 | #End Region |
91 | |
92 | Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices |
93 | Imports System.Collections |
94 | |
95 | Namespace Terminal.Utility |
96 | |
97 | ''' <summary> |
98 | ''' Constants used with PInvoke methods |
99 | ''' </summary> |
100 | ''' <remarks></remarks> |
101 | Module Constants |
102 | ' Standard input, output, and error |
103 | Public Const STD_INPUT_HANDLE As Integer = -10 |
104 | Public Const STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE As Integer = -11 |
105 | Public Const STD_ERROR_HANDLE As Integer = -12 |
106 | |
107 | ' Input Mode flags. |
108 | Public Const ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT As Integer = &H8 |
109 | Public Const ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT As Integer = &H10 |
110 | |
111 | ''' <summary> |
112 | ''' EventType flags. |
113 | ''' </summary> |
114 | Public Const KEY_EVENT As Integer = &H1 |
115 | ''' <summary> |
116 | ''' Event contains key event record |
117 | ''' </summary> |
118 | Public Const MOUSE_EVENT As Integer = &H2 |
119 | ''' <summary> |
120 | ''' Event contains mouse event record |
121 | ''' </summary> |
122 | Public Const WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_EVENT As Integer = &H4 |
123 | ''' <summary> |
124 | ''' Event contains window change event record |
125 | ''' </summary> |
126 | Public Const MENU_EVENT As Integer = &H8 |
127 | ''' <summary> |
128 | ''' Event contains menu event record |
129 | ''' </summary> |
130 | Public Const FOCUS_EVENT As Integer = &H10 |
131 | ''' <summary> |
132 | ''' Event contains focus change |
133 | ''' Returned by GetStdHandle when an error occurs |
134 | ''' </summary> |
135 | Public ReadOnly INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE As New IntPtr(-1) |
136 | End Module |
137 | |
138 | ''' <summary> |
139 | ''' ' Struct uChar is meant to support the Windows Console API's uChar union. |
140 | ''' ' Unions do not exist in the pure .NET world. We have to use the regular |
141 | ''' ' C# struct and the StructLayout and FieldOffset Attributes to preserve |
142 | ''' ' the memory layout of the unmanaged union. |
143 | ''' ' |
144 | ''' ' We specify the "LayoutKind.Explicit" value for the StructLayout attribute |
145 | ''' ' to specify that every field of the struct uChar is marked with a byte offset. |
146 | ''' ' |
147 | ''' ' This byte offset is specified by the FieldOffsetAttribute and it indicates |
148 | ''' ' the number of bytes between the beginning of the struct in memory and the |
149 | ''' ' beginning of the field. |
150 | ''' ' |
151 | ''' ' As you can see in the struct uChar (below), the fields "UnicodeChar" |
152 | ''' ' and "AsciiChar" have been marked as being of offset 0. This is the only |
153 | ''' ' way that an unmanaged C/C++ union can be represented in C#. |
154 | ''' ' |
155 | ''' </summary> |
156 | ''' <remarks></remarks> |
157 | <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)> |
158 | Friend Structure uCharUnion |
159 | <FieldOffset(0)> |
160 | Friend UnicodeChar As UShort |
161 | <FieldOffset(0)> |
162 | Friend AsciiChar As Byte |
163 | End Structure |
164 | |
165 | ''' <summary> |
166 | ''' ' The struct KEY_EVENT_RECORD is used to report keyboard input events |
167 | ''' ' in a console INPUT_RECORD structure. |
168 | ''' ' |
169 | ''' ' Internally, it uses the structure uChar which is treated as a union |
170 | ''' ' in the unmanaged world. |
171 | ''' ' |
172 | ''' </summary> |
173 | ''' <remarks></remarks> |
174 | <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack:=8)> |
175 | Friend Structure KEY_EVENT_RECORD |
176 | Friend bKeyDown As Integer |
177 | Friend wRepeatCount As UShort |
178 | Friend wVirtualKeyCode As UShort |
179 | Friend wVirtualScanCode As UShort |
180 | Friend uchar As uCharUnion |
181 | Friend dwControlKeyState As UInteger |
182 | End Structure |
183 | |
184 | ' The other stuctures are not used within our application. |
185 | Friend Structure COORD |
186 | Friend X As Short |
187 | Friend Y As Short |
188 | End Structure |
189 | |
190 | Friend Structure MOUSE_EVENT_RECORD |
191 | Friend dwMousePosition As COORD |
192 | Friend dwButtonState As UInteger |
193 | Friend dwControlKeyState As UInteger |
194 | Friend dwEventFlags As UInteger |
195 | End Structure |
196 | |
197 | Friend Structure WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_RECORD |
198 | Friend dwSize As COORD |
199 | End Structure |
200 | |
201 | Friend Structure MENU_EVENT_RECORD |
202 | Friend dwCommandId As UInteger |
203 | End Structure |
204 | |
205 | Friend Structure FOCUS_EVENT_RECORD |
206 | Friend bSetFocus As Boolean |
207 | End Structure |
208 | |
209 | ' The EventUnion struct is also treated as a union in the unmanaged world. |
210 | ' We therefore use the StructLayoutAttribute and the FieldOffsetAttribute. |
211 | <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)> |
212 | Friend Structure EventUnion |
213 | <FieldOffset(0)> |
214 | Friend KeyEvent As KEY_EVENT_RECORD |
215 | <FieldOffset(0)> |
216 | Friend MouseEvent As MOUSE_EVENT_RECORD |
217 | <FieldOffset(0)> |
218 | Friend WindowBufferSizeEvent As WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_RECORD |
219 | <FieldOffset(0)> |
220 | Friend MenuEvent As MENU_EVENT_RECORD |
221 | <FieldOffset(0)> |
222 | Friend FocusEvent As FOCUS_EVENT_RECORD |
223 | End Structure |
224 | |
225 | ' The INPUT_RECORD structure is used within our application |
226 | ' to capture console input data. |
227 | Friend Structure INPUT_RECORD |
228 | Friend EventType As UShort |
229 | Friend [Event] As EventUnion |
230 | End Structure |
231 | |
232 | ''' <summary> |
233 | ''' Summary description for ConsolePasswordInput. |
234 | ''' </summary> |
235 | ''' <remarks> |
236 | ''' .NET Console Password Input By Masking Keyed-In Characters |
237 | ''' http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/8110/NET-Console-Password-Input-By-Masking-Keyed-In-Ch |
238 | ''' </remarks> |
239 | Public NotInheritable Class ConsolePasswordInput |
240 | ' This class requires alot of imported functions from Kernel32.dll. |
241 | |
242 | ' ReadConsoleInput() is used to read data from a console input buffer and then remove it from the buffer. |
243 | ' We will be relying heavily on this function. |
244 | <DllImport("Kernel32.DLL", EntryPoint:="ReadConsoleInputW", CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> |
245 | Private Shared Function ReadConsoleInput(hConsoleInput As IntPtr, <Out> lpBuffer As INPUT_RECORD(), nLength As UInteger, ByRef lpNumberOfEventsRead As UInteger) As Boolean |
246 | End Function |
247 | |
248 | ' The GetStdHandle() function retrieves a handle for the standard input, standard output, or standard |
249 | ' error device, depending on its input parameter. |
250 | ' Handles returned by GetStdHandle() can be used by applications that need to read from or write |
251 | ' to the console. We will be using the handle returned by GetStdHandle() to call the various |
252 | ' Console APIs. |
253 | ' Note that although handles are integers by default, we will be using the managed type IntPtr |
254 | ' to represent the unmanaged world's HANDLE types. This is the recommended practice as expounded |
255 | ' in the documentation. |
256 | <DllImport("Kernel32.DLL", EntryPoint:="GetStdHandle", CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> |
257 | Public Shared Function GetStdHandle(nStdHandle As Integer) As IntPtr |
258 | End Function |
259 | |
260 | ' The GetConsoleMode() function retrieves the current input mode of a console's input buffer |
261 | ' or the current output mode of a console screen buffer. |
262 | ' A console consists of an input buffer and one or more screen buffers. The mode of a console |
263 | ' buffer determines how the console behaves during input or output (I/O) operations. |
264 | ' One set of flag constants is used with input handles, and another set is used with screen buffer |
265 | ' (output) handles. |
266 | ' Setting the output modes of one screen buffer does not affect the output modes of other |
267 | ' screen buffers. |
268 | ' We shall be retrieving the mode of our console during password input in order to temporarily |
269 | ' modify the console mode. Later, after retrieving the required password, we will need to restore |
270 | ' the original console mode. |
271 | <DllImport("Kernel32.DLL", EntryPoint:="GetConsoleMode", CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> |
272 | Public Shared Function GetConsoleMode(hConsoleHandle As IntPtr, ByRef Mode As Integer) As Boolean |
273 | End Function |
274 | |
275 | ' The SetConsoleMode() function sets the input mode of a console's input buffer or the output mode |
276 | ' of a console screen buffer. |
277 | ' We will be calling this API before the end of our password processing function to restore the |
278 | ' previous console mode. |
279 | <DllImport("Kernel32.DLL", EntryPoint:="SetConsoleMode", CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> |
280 | Public Shared Function SetConsoleMode(hConsoleHandle As IntPtr, Mode As Integer) As Boolean |
281 | End Function |
282 | |
283 | ' GetLastError() is a useful Win32 API to determine the cause of a problem when something went wrong. |
284 | <DllImport("Kernel32.DLL", EntryPoint:="GetLastError", CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> |
285 | Public Shared Function GetLastError() As UInteger |
286 | End Function |
287 | |
288 | ' The WriteConsole() function writes a character string to a console screen buffer beginning |
289 | ' at the current cursor location. |
290 | ' We will be using this API to write '*'s to the screen in place of a password character. |
291 | ' handle to screen buffer |
292 | ' write buffer |
293 | ' number of characters to write |
294 | ' number of characters written |
295 | <DllImport("Kernel32.DLL", EntryPoint:="WriteConsoleW", CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> |
296 | Public Shared Function WriteConsole(hConsoleOutput As IntPtr, lpBuffer As String, nNumberOfCharsToWrite As UInteger, ByRef lpNumberOfCharsWritten As UInteger, lpReserved As IntPtr) As Boolean |
297 | ' reserved |
298 | End Function |
299 | |
300 | ' Not used in this application but declared here for possible future use. |
301 | <DllImport("Kernel32.DLL", EntryPoint:="FlushConsoleInputBuffer", CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> |
302 | Public Shared Function FlushConsoleInputBuffer(hConsoleInput As IntPtr) As Boolean |
303 | End Function |
304 | |
305 | ' Not used in this application but declared here for possible future use. |
306 | ' handle to screen buffer |
307 | ' characters |
308 | ' number of characters to write |
309 | ' first cell coordinates |
310 | <DllImport("Kernel32.DLL", EntryPoint:="WriteConsoleOutputCharacterW", CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> |
311 | Private Shared Function WriteConsoleOutputCharacter(hConsoleOutput As IntPtr, lpCharacter As String, nLength As UInteger, dwWriteCoord As COORD, ByRef lpNumberOfCharsWritten As UInteger) As Boolean |
312 | ' number of cells written |
313 | End Function |
314 | |
315 | ' Declare a delegate to encapsulate a console event handler function. |
316 | ' All event handler functions must return a boolean value indicating whether |
317 | ' the password processing function should continue to read in another console |
318 | ' input record (via ReadConsoleInput() API). |
319 | ' Returning a true indicates continue. |
320 | ' Returning a false indicates don't continue. |
321 | Friend Delegate Function ConsoleInputEvent(input_record As INPUT_RECORD, ByRef strBuildup As String) As Boolean |
322 | ' Std console input and output handles. |
323 | Protected hStdin As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero |
324 | Protected hStdout As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero |
325 | ' Used to set and reset console modes. |
326 | Protected dwSaveOldMode As Integer = 0 |
327 | Protected dwMode As Integer = 0 |
328 | ' Counter used to detect how many characters have been typed in. |
329 | Protected iCounter As Integer = 0 |
330 | ' Hashtable to store console input event handler functions. |
331 | Protected htCodeLookup As Hashtable |
332 | ' Used to indicate the maximum number of characters for a password. 20 is the default. |
333 | Protected iMaxNumberOfCharacters As Integer |
334 | |
335 | Const strOutput As String = "*" |
336 | |
337 | ' Event handler to handle a keyboard event. |
338 | ' We use this function to accumulate characters typed into the console and build |
339 | ' up the password this way. |
340 | ' All event handler functions must return a boolean value indicating whether |
341 | ' the password processing function should continue to read in another console |
342 | ' input record (via ReadConsoleInput() API). |
343 | ' Returning a true indicates continue. |
344 | ' Returning a false indicates don't continue. |
345 | Private Function KeyEventProc(input_record As INPUT_RECORD, ByRef strBuildup As String) As Boolean |
346 | ' From the INPUT_RECORD, extract the KEY_EVENT_RECORD structure. |
347 | Dim ker As KEY_EVENT_RECORD = input_record.[Event].KeyEvent |
348 | |
349 | ' We process only during the keydown event. |
350 | If ker.bKeyDown <> 0 Then |
351 | Dim intptr As New IntPtr(0) |
352 | ' This is to simulate a NULL handle value. |
353 | Dim ch As Char = ChrW(ker.uchar.UnicodeChar) |
354 | ' Get the current character pressed. |
355 | Dim dwNumberOfCharsWritten As UInteger = 0 |
356 | |
357 | ' The character string that will be displayed on the console screen. |
358 | ' If we have received a Carriage Return character, we exit. |
359 | If ch = CChar(ControlChars.Cr) Then |
360 | Return False |
361 | Else |
362 | If AscW(ch) > 0 Then |
363 | ' The typed in key must represent a character and must not be a control ley (e.g. SHIFT, ALT, CTRL, etc) |
364 | ' A regular (non Carriage-Return character) is typed in... |
365 | |
366 | ' We first display a '*' on the screen... |
367 | ' handle to screen buffer |
368 | ' write buffer |
369 | ' number of characters to write |
370 | ' number of characters written |
371 | ' reserved |
372 | WriteConsole(hStdout, strOutput, 1, dwNumberOfCharsWritten, intptr) |
373 | |
374 | ' We build up our password string... |
375 | Dim strConcat As New String(ch, 1) |
376 | |
377 | ' by appending each typed in character at the end of strBuildup. |
378 | strBuildup += strConcat |
379 | |
380 | If System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(iCounter) < iMaxNumberOfCharacters Then |
381 | ' Adding 1 to iCounter still makes iCounter less than MaxNumberOfCharacters. |
382 | ' This means that the total number of characters collected so far (this is |
383 | ' equal to iCounter, by the way) is less than MaxNumberOfCharacters. |
384 | ' We can carry on. |
385 | Return True |
386 | Else |
387 | ' If, by adding 1 to iCounter makes iCounter greater than MaxNumberOfCharacters, |
388 | ' it means that we have already collected MaxNumberOfCharacters number of characters |
389 | ' inside strBuildup. We must exit now. |
390 | Return False |
391 | End If |
392 | End If |
393 | End If |
394 | End If |
395 | |
396 | ' The keydown state is false, we allow further characters to be typed in... |
397 | Return True |
398 | End Function |
399 | |
400 | ' All event handler functions must return a boolean value indicating whether |
401 | ' the password processing function should continue to read in another console |
402 | ' input record (via ReadConsoleInput() API). |
403 | ' Returning a true indicates continue. |
404 | ' Returning a false indicates don't continue. |
405 | Private Function MouseEventProc(input_record As INPUT_RECORD, ByRef strBuildup As String) As Boolean |
406 | ' Since our Mouse Event Handler does not intend to do anything, |
407 | ' we simply return a true to indicate to the password processing |
408 | ' function to readin another console input record. |
409 | Return True |
410 | End Function |
411 | |
412 | ' All event handler functions must return a boolean value indicating whether |
413 | ' the password processing function should continue to read in another console |
414 | ' input record (via ReadConsoleInput() API). |
415 | ' Returning a true indicates continue. |
416 | ' Returning a false indicates don't continue. |
417 | Private Function WindowBufferSizeEventProc(input_record As INPUT_RECORD, ByRef strBuildup As String) As Boolean |
418 | ' Since our Window Buffer Size Event Handler does not intend to do anything, |
419 | ' we simply return a true to indicate to the password processing |
420 | ' function to readin another console input record. |
421 | Return True |
422 | End Function |
423 | |
424 | ' All event handler functions must return a boolean value indicating whether |
425 | ' the password processing function should continue to read in another console |
426 | ' input record (via ReadConsoleInput() API). |
427 | ' Returning a true indicates continue. |
428 | ' Returning a false indicates don't continue. |
429 | Private Function MenuEventProc(input_record As INPUT_RECORD, ByRef strBuildup As String) As Boolean |
430 | ' Since our Menu Event Handler does not intend to do anything, |
431 | ' we simply return a true to indicate to the password processing |
432 | ' function to readin another console input record. |
433 | Return True |
434 | End Function |
435 | |
436 | ' All event handler functions must return a boolean value indicating whether |
437 | ' the password processing function should continue to read in another console |
438 | ' input record (via ReadConsoleInput() API). |
439 | ' Returning a true indicates continue. |
440 | ' Returning a false indicates don't continue. |
441 | Private Function FocusEventProc(input_record As INPUT_RECORD, ByRef strBuildup As String) As Boolean |
442 | ' Since our Focus Event Handler does not intend to do anything, |
443 | ' we simply return a true to indicate to the password processing |
444 | ' function to readin another console input record. |
445 | Return True |
446 | End Function |
447 | |
448 | ' Public constructor. |
449 | ' Here, we prepare our hashtable of console input event handler functions. |
450 | Public Sub New() |
451 | htCodeLookup = New Hashtable() |
452 | ' Note well that we must cast Constant.* event numbers to ushort's. |
453 | ' This is because Constants.*_EVENT have been declared as of type int. |
454 | ' We could have, of course, declare Constants.*_EVENT to be of type ushort |
455 | ' but I deliberately declared them as ints to show the importance of |
456 | ' types in C#. |
457 | Call htCodeLookup.Add(DirectCast(CUShort(Constants.KEY_EVENT), Object), New ConsoleInputEvent(AddressOf KeyEventProc)) |
458 | Call htCodeLookup.Add(DirectCast(CUShort(Constants.MOUSE_EVENT), Object), New ConsoleInputEvent(AddressOf MouseEventProc)) |
459 | Call htCodeLookup.Add(DirectCast(CUShort(Constants.WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_EVENT), Object), New ConsoleInputEvent(AddressOf WindowBufferSizeEventProc)) |
460 | Call htCodeLookup.Add(DirectCast(CUShort(Constants.MENU_EVENT), Object), New ConsoleInputEvent(AddressOf MenuEventProc)) |
461 | Call htCodeLookup.Add(DirectCast(CUShort(Constants.FOCUS_EVENT), Object), New ConsoleInputEvent(AddressOf FocusEventProc)) |
462 | End Sub |
463 | |
464 | ''' <summary> |
465 | ''' |
466 | ''' </summary> |
467 | ''' <param name="refPasswordToBuild"></param> |
468 | ''' <param name="iMaxNumberOfCharactersSet">The password max length limits.</param> |
469 | ''' <remarks></remarks> |
470 | Public Sub PasswordInput(ByRef refPasswordToBuild As String, iMaxNumberOfCharactersSet As Integer) |
471 | Dim irInBuf As INPUT_RECORD() = New INPUT_RECORD(127) {} |
472 | ' Define an array of 128 INPUT_RECORD structs. |
473 | Dim cNumRead As UInteger = 0 |
474 | Dim bContinueLoop As Boolean = True |
475 | ' Used to indicate whether to continue our ReadConsoleInput() loop. |
476 | ' Reset character counter. |
477 | iCounter = 0 |
478 | |
479 | ' Initialize hStdin. |
480 | If hStdin = CType(0, IntPtr) Then |
481 | hStdin = GetStdHandle(Constants.STD_INPUT_HANDLE) |
482 | If hStdin = Constants.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE Then |
483 | Return |
484 | End If |
485 | End If |
486 | |
487 | ' Initialize hStdout. |
488 | If hStdout = CType(0, IntPtr) Then |
489 | hStdout = GetStdHandle(Constants.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) |
490 | If hStdout = Constants.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE Then |
491 | Return |
492 | End If |
493 | End If |
494 | |
495 | ' Retrieve the current console mode. |
496 | If GetConsoleMode(hStdin, dwSaveOldMode) = False Then |
497 | Return |
498 | End If |
499 | |
500 | ' Set the current console mode to enable window input and mouse input. |
501 | ' This is not necessary for our password processing application. |
502 | ' This is set only for demonstration purposes. |
503 | ' ' By setting ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT into the console mode, user interactions |
504 | ' that change the size of the console screen buffer are reported in the |
505 | ' console's input buffer. Information about this event can be read from |
506 | ' the input buffer by our application using the ReadConsoleInput function. |
507 | ' ' By setting ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT into the console mode, if the mouse pointer |
508 | ' is within the borders of the console window and the window has the |
509 | ' keyboard focus, mouse events generated by mouse movement and button presses |
510 | ' are placed in the input buffer. Information about this event can be read from |
511 | ' the input buffer by our application using the ReadConsoleInput function. |
512 | dwMode = Constants.ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT Or Constants.ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT |
513 | If SetConsoleMode(hStdin, dwMode) = False Then |
514 | Return |
515 | End If |
516 | |
517 | ' To safeguard against invalid values, we stipulate that only if iMaxNumberOfCharactersSet |
518 | ' is greater than zero do we set MaxNumberOfCharacters equal to it. |
519 | ' Otherwise, MaxNumberOfCharacters is set to 20 by default. |
520 | ' An alternative to setting MaxNumberOfCharacters to a default value is to throw an exception. |
521 | If iMaxNumberOfCharactersSet > 0 Then |
522 | iMaxNumberOfCharacters = iMaxNumberOfCharactersSet |
523 | Else |
524 | ' We could throw an exception here if we want to. |
525 | iMaxNumberOfCharacters = 20 |
526 | End If |
527 | |
528 | ' Main loop to collect characters typed into the console. |
529 | While bContinueLoop = True |
530 | ' input buffer handle |
531 | ' buffer to read into |
532 | ' size of read buffer |
533 | ' number of records read |
534 | If ReadConsoleInput(hStdin, irInBuf, 128, cNumRead) = True Then |
535 | ' Dispatch the events to the appropriate handler. |
536 | For i As UInteger = 0 To CType(cNumRead - 1, UInteger) |
537 | ' Lookup the hashtable for the appropriate handler function... courtesy of Derek Kiong ! |
538 | Dim cie_handler As ConsoleInputEvent = DirectCast(htCodeLookup(DirectCast(irInBuf(CInt(i)).EventType, Object)), ConsoleInputEvent) |
539 | |
540 | ' Note well that htCodeLookup may not have the handler for the current event, |
541 | ' so check first for a null value in cie_handler. |
542 | If cie_handler IsNot Nothing Then |
543 | ' Invoke the handler. |
544 | bContinueLoop = cie_handler(irInBuf(CInt(i)), refPasswordToBuild) |
545 | End If |
546 | Next |
547 | End If |
548 | End While |
549 | |
550 | ' Restore the previous mode before we exit. |
551 | Call SetConsoleMode(hStdin, dwSaveOldMode) |
552 | Call Console.WriteLine() |
553 | End Sub |
554 | End Class |
555 | End Namespace |