1 |
#Region "Microsoft.VisualBasic::16d56d95c70290312862145033f163f9, Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core\ApplicationServices\Terminal\STDIO__\STDIO.vb"
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#End Region
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Imports System.IO
52 |
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
53 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.Reflection
54 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Language.C
55 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Scripting.MetaData
56 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Terminal.Utility
57 |
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Text
58 |
59 |
Namespace Terminal
60 |
61 |
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67 |
<Package("STDIO", Description:="A standard input/output compatibility package that makes VisualBasic console program easily running on the Linux server or mac osx operating system.",
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
Public Module STDIO
72 |
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
Dim escapings As New Dictionary(Of String, String) From {
78 |
79 |
{"\o", String.Empty},
80 |
{"\n", vbCrLf},
81 |
{"\r", vbCr},
82 |
{"\t", vbTab},
83 |
{"\v", String.Empty},
84 |
{"\b", vbBack},
85 |
{"\f", vbFormFeed},
86 |
{"\'", ASCII.Quot},
87 |
{"\" & ASCII.Quot, ASCII.Quot}
88 |
89 |
90 |
#Region "printf"
91 |
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93 |
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97 |
98 |
99 |
<ExportAPI("printf", Info:="Output the string to the console using a specific formation.")>
100 |
Public Sub printf(s As String, ParamArray args As Object())
101 |
s = sprintf(s, args)
102 |
103 |
104 |
Call Trace.Write(s)
105 |
Call Debug.Write(s)
106 |
End Sub
107 |
#End Region
108 |
109 |
110 |
Public Sub fprintf(Destination As TextWriter, Format As String, ParamArray Parameters As Object())
111 |
Destination.Write(sprintf(Format, Parameters))
112 |
End Sub
113 |
114 |
Public Sub print(s As String, Optional color As ConsoleColor = ConsoleColor.White)
115 |
Dim cl As ConsoleColor = Console.ForegroundColor
116 |
Console.ForegroundColor = color
117 |
118 |
Console.ForegroundColor = cl
119 |
End Sub
120 |
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 |
Public Sub cat(ParamArray out As String())
127 |
Dim s As String = String.Join("", out)
128 |
Call Console.Write(s)
129 |
End Sub
130 |
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 |
137 |
138 |
Public Function scanf(ByRef s As String, Optional color As ConsoleColor = ConsoleColor.White) As String
139 |
Dim cl As ConsoleColor = Console.ForegroundColor
140 |
Call Console.Write(s)
141 |
Console.ForegroundColor = color
142 |
s = Console.ReadLine
143 |
Console.ForegroundColor = cl
144 |
Return s
145 |
End Function
146 |
147 |
Const ____ZERO As String =
148 |
"000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" &
149 |
"000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" &
150 |
"000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" &
151 |
"000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" &
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
<ExportAPI("ZeroFill", Info:="Fill the number string with specific length of ZERO sequence to generates the fixed width string.")>
161 |
Public Function ZeroFill(sn As String, len As Integer) As String
162 |
If sn.Length >= len Then
163 |
Return sn
164 |
165 |
Dim d As Integer = len - sn.Length
166 |
Dim zr As String = ____ZERO.Substring(0, d)
167 |
Return zr & sn
168 |
End If
169 |
End Function
170 |
171 |
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184 |
Public Function MsgBox(prompt As String, Optional style As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) As MsgBoxResult
185 |
Dim [default] As String = ""
186 |
187 |
Call Console.WriteLine(prompt)
188 |
189 |
If style = MsgBoxStyle.AbortRetryIgnore Then
190 |
Call Console.Write("Abort/Retry/Ignore?(a/r/i) [R]")
191 |
[default] = "R"
192 |
ElseIf style = MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel Then
193 |
Call Console.Write("Ok/Cancel?(o/c) [O]")
194 |
[default] = "O"
195 |
ElseIf style = MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly Then
196 |
Call Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continute...")
197 |
Call Console.ReadKey()
198 |
Return MsgBoxResult.Ok
199 |
ElseIf style = MsgBoxStyle.RetryCancel Then
200 |
Call Console.Write("Retry/Cancel?(r/c) [R]")
201 |
[default] = "R"
202 |
ElseIf style = MsgBoxStyle.YesNo Then
203 |
Call Console.Write("Yes/No?(y/n) [Y]")
204 |
[default] = "Y"
205 |
ElseIf style = MsgBoxStyle.YesNoCancel Then
206 |
Call Console.Write("Yes/No/Cancel?(y/n/c) [Y]")
207 |
[default] = "Y"
208 |
End If
209 |
210 |
Call Console.Write(" ")
211 |
212 |
Dim input As String = Console.ReadLine
213 |
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(input) Then
214 |
input = [default]
215 |
216 |
input = input.ToUpper
217 |
End If
218 |
219 |
If style = MsgBoxStyle.AbortRetryIgnore Then
220 |
If __testEquals(input, "A"c) Then
221 |
Return MsgBoxResult.Abort
222 |
ElseIf __testEquals(input, "R"c) Then
223 |
Return MsgBoxResult.Retry
224 |
ElseIf __testEquals(input, "I"c) Then
225 |
Return MsgBoxResult.Ignore
226 |
227 |
Return MsgBoxResult.Retry
228 |
End If
229 |
ElseIf style = MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel Then
230 |
231 |
If __testEquals(input, "O"c) Then
232 |
Return MsgBoxResult.Ok
233 |
ElseIf __testEquals(input, "C"c) Then
234 |
Return MsgBoxResult.Cancel
235 |
236 |
Return MsgBoxResult.Ok
237 |
End If
238 |
ElseIf style = MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly Then
239 |
Return MsgBoxResult.Ok
240 |
ElseIf style = MsgBoxStyle.RetryCancel Then
241 |
242 |
If __testEquals(input, "R"c) Then
243 |
Return MsgBoxResult.Retry
244 |
ElseIf __testEquals(input, "C"c) Then
245 |
Return MsgBoxResult.Cancel
246 |
247 |
Return MsgBoxResult.Retry
248 |
End If
249 |
ElseIf style = MsgBoxStyle.YesNo Then
250 |
251 |
If __testEquals(input, "Y"c) Then
252 |
Return MsgBoxResult.Yes
253 |
ElseIf __testEquals(input, "N"c) Then
254 |
Return MsgBoxResult.No
255 |
256 |
Return MsgBoxResult.Yes
257 |
End If
258 |
ElseIf style = MsgBoxStyle.YesNoCancel Then
259 |
260 |
If __testEquals(input, "Y"c) Then
261 |
Return MsgBoxResult.Yes
262 |
ElseIf __testEquals(input, "N"c) Then
263 |
Return MsgBoxResult.No
264 |
ElseIf __testEquals(input, "C"c) Then
265 |
Return MsgBoxResult.Cancel
266 |
267 |
Return MsgBoxResult.Yes
268 |
End If
269 |
270 |
Return MsgBoxResult.Ok
271 |
End If
272 |
End Function
273 |
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 |
278 |
279 |
280 |
Private Function __testEquals(input As String, compare As Char) As Boolean
281 |
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(input) Then
282 |
Return False
283 |
End If
284 |
Return Asc(input.First) = Asc(compare)
285 |
End Function
286 |
287 |
Public Delegate Function TryParseDelegate(Of T)(str$, ByRef val As T) As Boolean
288 |
289 |
290 |
291 |
292 |
In a console application there is often the need to ask (and validate) some data from users.
293 |
For this reason I have created a function that make use of generics and delegates to
294 |
speed up programming.
295 |
296 |
> http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/1108772/Read-Method-with-Generics-Delegate
297 |
298 |
<typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
299 |
<param name="msg"></param>
300 |
<param name="parser"></param>
301 |
<param name="_default"></param>
302 |
303 |
Public Function Read(Of T)(msg$, parser As TryParseDelegate(Of T), Optional _default$ = Nothing) As T
304 |
Dim line As String
305 |
Dim value As T
306 |
307 |
Call Console.Write(msg)
308 |
309 |
If Not _default.StringEmpty Then
310 |
Call Console.Write($" <default={_default}>")
311 |
End If
312 |
313 |
Call Console.Write(": ")
314 |
315 |
line = Console.ReadLine()
316 |
317 |
If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line) Then
318 |
line = _default?.ToString()
319 |
End If
320 |
Loop While Not parser(line, value)
321 |
Return value
322 |
End Function
323 |
324 |
325 |
Writes the text representation of the specified object to the standard output
326 |
327 |
328 |
<param name="o">The value to write, or null.</param>
329 |
Public Sub Write(o As Object)
330 |
If VBDebugger.ForceSTDError Then
331 |
Call Console.Error.Write(o)
332 |
333 |
Call Console.Write(o)
334 |
End If
335 |
End Sub
336 |
337 |
338 |
Writes the text representation of the specified object, followed by the current
339 |
line terminator, to the standard output stream.
340 |
341 |
<param name="o">The value to write.</param>
342 |
Public Sub WriteLine(Optional o As Object = Nothing)
343 |
If VBDebugger.ForceSTDError Then
344 |
Call Console.Error.WriteLine(o)
345 |
346 |
Call Console.WriteLine(o)
347 |
End If
348 |
End Sub
349 |
350 |
Public Function InputPassword(Optional prompt$ = "input your password", Optional maxLength% = 20) As String
351 |
Dim pass$ = Nothing
352 |
Call Console.Write(prompt & ": ")
353 |
Call New ConsolePasswordInput().PasswordInput(pass, maxLength)
354 |
Return pass
355 |
End Function
356 |
End Module
357 |
End Namespace