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#Region "Microsoft.VisualBasic::21183c37f8ca04b784aced47ebe7c7ea, Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core\ApplicationServices\Parallel\Threads\Groups\GroupAPI.vb"
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Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
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Namespace Parallel
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Public Module GroupAPI
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<Extension> Public Function ParallelGroup(Of T, T_TAG)(source As IEnumerable(Of T), __getGuid As Func(Of T, T_TAG)) As GroupResult(Of T, T_TAG)()
57 |
Call $"Generating guid index...".__DEBUG_ECHO
58 |
Dim TAGS = (From x As T In source.AsParallel Select guid = __getGuid(x), x).ToArray
59 |
Call Console.WriteLine($"[DEBUG {Now.ToString}] Start to create lquery partitions...")
60 |
Dim Partitions = TAGS.Split(TAGS.Length / Environment.ProcessorCount)
61 |
Call Console.WriteLine($"[DEBUG {Now.ToString}] Invoke parallel group operations....")
62 |
Call Console.WriteLine($"[DEBUG {Now.ToString}] First groups...")
63 |
Dim FirstGroups = (From Partition In Partitions.AsParallel
64 |
Select (From obj In (From Token In Partition
65 |
Select Token.guid
66 |
Group guid By guid Into Group).ToArray Select obj.guid).ToArray).ToArray.Unlist
67 |
Call Console.WriteLine($"[DEBUG {Now.ToString}] Unique group...")
68 |
Dim UniqueGroup = (From TAG As T_TAG
69 |
In FirstGroups.AsParallel
70 |
Select TAG
71 |
Group TAG By TAG Into Group).ToArray
72 |
Call Console.WriteLine($"[DEBUG {Now.ToString}] Generating group result....")
73 |
Call Console.WriteLine(" * Cache data....")
74 |
Dim Cache = (From TAG In UniqueGroup.AsParallel Select TAG, List = New List(Of T)).ToArray
75 |
Call Console.WriteLine(" * Address data.....")
76 |
Dim Addressing = (From obj In TAGS.AsParallel Select obj, List = (From item In Cache Where item.TAG.TAG.Equals(obj.guid) Select item.List).FirstOrDefault).ToArray
77 |
For Each Address In Addressing
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Call Address.List.Add(Address.obj.x)
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Call Console.WriteLine(" * Generate result.....")
81 |
Dim LQuery = (From TAG In Cache.AsParallel Select New GroupResult(Of T, T_TAG)() With {.Tag = TAG.TAG.TAG, .Group = TAG.List.ToArray}).ToArray
82 |
Call Console.WriteLine($"[DEBUG {Now.ToString}] Parallel group operation job done!")
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Return LQuery
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End Function
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End Module
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End Namespace